Error 1324 failures when trying to install applications under Vist



Can someone help me? I'm getting to the end of my tether.

I've recently got a Vista PC and to start with everything was fine. Now I
can't install new applications on it and I can't understand what's wrong.

The first application is the Sony Ericsson PC Suite. I downloaded the Vista
compatible version from their web site. The installation gets as far as
prompting for all my installation choices and then, when I click on the
"Install" button it immediately throws up the error message "Error 1324. The
path Sony Ericsson PC Suite contains an invalid character." and fails.

The second application that I'm trying is the full suite of printer software
for a HP2575 All-In-One. Again, the Vista compatible installation software
downloaded from their web site. Again, it elicits my installation options and
this time it sets off with promise. But alas it eventually fails, this time
with the error message "Error 1324.The path Shop for HP Supplies contains an
invalid character."

I'm stuck! I've tried running a registry cleaner but that made no
difference. I've also looked at the shell folder settings in the registry for
the administrator user id that I'm using. I can't see anything obviously
wrong there.



Thanks for that Engel.

Before I embark down that path can I ask, is there a specific reason why
you've directed me to that knowledge based article. It's just that there a
number around all of which talk about 1324 errors on installation but none of
which (that I can find anyway) match my circumstances.

The one that you've pointed me towards similarly isn't an exact match. It's
not referring to Vista for example. I wondered if you had some specific
knowledge or have just found an article that refers to the 1324 error code?



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