emails becoming 'unread' when clicking nearby!



I have just installed Office 2003. I run on XP home edition, with SP2

I have the following problem with Outlook.

If there are more than 2 ‘unread’ emails, and I click on one of them, to
read it, they both become ‘read’ and go unbolded – if that is a word.

This always happens if the emails are next to each other – in the same
folder. However, sometimes this happens if the emails are in different

I like keeping the emails, which need my attention, as ‘unread’ so that I
can deal with them when I am ready. It seems as if the 'sensitivity' of the
programme is really extreme. I am almost afraid to look in one folder, for
fear of losing track of other emails in other folders.

Any thoughts?


You can go into Tools>Options, then choose the 'Other' tab. Down in the
Reading Pane section, click the reading pane button and uncheck all of them
but the last one. What this will do is leave all your messages as unread
unless you a)open the message, or b)Right-click and choose mark as read. This
way is especially nice if you only click on the message and view it in the
preview pane, then you can decide which ones need immediate attention, while
leaving the others as unread still so you know you still need to get back to
them. Hope that helps. Cheers.


Excellent. Thank you. This has been bugging me, as I was 'losing track' of
who I should be contacting.

I assume that this will eliminate this infuriating problem of 'unread'
messages being made into 'read' messages, without my interferenc?


Yes it should. They should only become read if you open them or choose to
mark them as read.

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