Saving emails to CD-R?



I am looking for help with saving 98 emails – total file size is 7102 KB.
They are all currently stored on 1 Folder.

I want to delete these from our Outlook 2002 and save them on a 700 MG CD-R
Memorex compact disc.

Can you please tell me exactly how to do this? And then how would we
retrieve them?

I need them saved exactly as they are on Outlook right now. It’s on-going
correspondence and many are named the same. Many also have attachments – ie:
Excel and Word docs.

Seeing as I will have so much space left on the CD – can I add another
Folder of emails as well? This is 11 emails – total file size is 300 KB

Will the disk store them as separate folders?

Is this possible? Please advise. Thank You.

John Blessing

caswb said:
I am looking for help with saving 98 emails - total file size is 7102 KB.
They are all currently stored on 1 Folder.

I want to delete these from our Outlook 2002 and save them on a 700 MG
Memorex compact disc.

Can you please tell me exactly how to do this? And then how would we
retrieve them?

I need them saved exactly as they are on Outlook right now. It's on-going
correspondence and many are named the same. Many also have attachments -
Excel and Word docs.

Seeing as I will have so much space left on the CD - can I add another
Folder of emails as well? This is 11 emails - total file size is 300 KB

Will the disk store them as separate folders?

Is this possible? Please advise. Thank You.

If you are operating in internet mode, it is easy, just find your .pst
(file menu, data file management, will tell you where it is), then close
Outlook and copy that .pst to CDR. Before you open it again, you will need
to copy it back to your hard disk and make sure its file attributes are not
set to read-only.

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