R.H. Breener
I originally posted this to the mail group but it seems dead there, or my
newsreader isn't picking up the posts. I'm guessing few people are using
Vista anymore. I'm hoping someone here is familiar with this problem.
With almost every new email I get on my laptop (Vista 32 bit/WindowsMail)
I'm now getting a very annoying popup that says "Revocation information for
the Security Certificate is not available. Do you want to proceed?" I can
click on &Yes, No, View certificate. I can't close this popup using the X
in the upper RH corner. I have to click Yes at least 10 times before the
popup goes away and I can see the email message. I Googled and ran several
anti-virus programs but they found nothing. How do I get rid of this
newsreader isn't picking up the posts. I'm guessing few people are using
Vista anymore. I'm hoping someone here is familiar with this problem.
With almost every new email I get on my laptop (Vista 32 bit/WindowsMail)
I'm now getting a very annoying popup that says "Revocation information for
the Security Certificate is not available. Do you want to proceed?" I can
click on &Yes, No, View certificate. I can't close this popup using the X
in the upper RH corner. I have to click Yes at least 10 times before the
popup goes away and I can see the email message. I Googled and ran several
anti-virus programs but they found nothing. How do I get rid of this