email addresses



Ok, I am a bit confused.......

I have exchange and Outlook 2003.

I have a user I call support.
This is a normal user on the network.
In the EMAIL settings of this user (inside of AD/users and computers/ Email
address, I have an email address setup that is external to the network. (in
other words, it is (e-mail address removed)). It is the only email address listed
there. (I deleted all others in my testing). I have unchecked for that user
to "automatically update email addresses based on recepient policy"

yet, if I open Outlook on any network PC and send an email to support, it
goes into the exchange mailbox and does NOT go to the external address....

If I send an email specifically to (e-mail address removed), outlook resolves that
name back to support and the email goes only into exchange (in other works,
the email shows up in my outlook inbox and says it is from 'support' and to

Why is this happening?
Why is outlook / exchange resolving names back to the exchange name? Why
can't i specifically put in the address and have it go out?

This user is an administrator.....

....and along with this, should I be able to have an external address like
this? (What I want is that when a user sends an email to support, for it to
go to the external address at (e-mail address removed))

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Best posted to an Exchange group.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, markus asked:

| Ok, I am a bit confused.......
| I have exchange and Outlook 2003.
| I have a user I call support.
| This is a normal user on the network.
| In the EMAIL settings of this user (inside of AD/users and computers/
| Email address, I have an email address setup that is external to the
| network. (in other words, it is (e-mail address removed)). It is the only
| email address listed there. (I deleted all others in my testing). I
| have unchecked for that user to "automatically update email addresses
| based on recepient policy"
| yet, if I open Outlook on any network PC and send an email to
| support, it goes into the exchange mailbox and does NOT go to the
| external address....
| If I send an email specifically to (e-mail address removed), outlook resolves
| that name back to support and the email goes only into exchange (in
| other works, the email shows up in my outlook inbox and says it is
| from 'support' and to 'support'
| Why is this happening?
| Why is outlook / exchange resolving names back to the exchange name?
| Why can't i specifically put in the address and have it go out?
| This user is an administrator.....
| ...and along with this, should I be able to have an external address
| like this? (What I want is that when a user sends an email to
| support, for it to go to the external address at (e-mail address removed))

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