

Barry Karas


I usually get ±50 e-mail messages on Saturday. There were three today. This
is a big discrepancy. Therefore I checked with my ISP/e-mail carrier,

The people at Adelphia Help said only three people sent email messages
today. I don't "buy" that reason. The discrepancy is so large.

What is (or is not) going on, and what, if anything, should I do?

Thank you,

Barry Karas

PS It seems that the e-mail newsgroups are full of junk...


I suspect that this is hardly a question for this newsgroup either. Exprience
shows that there are many and varied reasons for emails not getting through.
ISP server problems abound. But, of course, you have not told us what type of
emails you normally receive. Are most of your emails unsolicited spam? Or are
they from friends?

Bruce Chambers

Barry said:

I usually get ±50 e-mail messages on Saturday. There were three today.
This is a big discrepancy. Therefore I checked with my ISP/e-mail
carrier, Adelphia.

The people at Adelphia Help said only three people sent email messages
today. I don't "buy" that reason. The discrepancy is so large.

What is (or is not) going on, and what, if anything, should I do?

Thank you,

Barry Karas

PS It seems that the e-mail newsgroups are full of junk...

Have you bothered to contact any of your regular correspondents to
determine whether or not they actually sent you anything? This would be
the very first thing to do, rather than assuming something is wrong and
accusing your ISP of lying, you know.


Bruce Chambers

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