Dynamic Web Templates (FP2003)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robin
  • Start date Start date


I am using dynamic web templates which work very well as far as it goes.
But I imagined the benefit of using this was the 'dynamic' bit i.e. change
the template and attached pages change with it.

However, with the template open, selecting 'format/dynamic web template'
shows every option greyed out except 'manage editable regions'. Why can't I
'update attached pages'?

The only alternative I can find that works is to go to each individual page
that uses the template, and 'pull' the update from the revised template by
reattaching it.

FrontPage help describes 'update attached pages' as the answer but the
option is greyed out. Interestingly the site summary shows zero pages using
dynamic templates, but there are many of them in reality.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks for any ideas

Are you trying to do this on a site that is open on a server with the FP2002 extensions? If yes,
then the DWT auto update feature is not supported by the extensions, must work with locally on a
disk-based web or on Windows 2003 Server with Windows Sharepoint Services installed and running.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Sort of. I'm trying to do this on an open remote site hosted on a Windows
Sharepoint Server. I guess from what you say I need to do this on a locally
and then re-publish?
Actually having checked again, the host claims to be running Unix with
FP2000 extensions, but FP reports it as Windows Sharepoint Services. Either
way it seems I must do this locally.

Thanks for the info Thomas.
FP2003 refers the FP extensions as Sharepoint, so this can be confusing.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.