DVD's do not play correctly, receive sound but video is choppy!



I have recently tried to play a dvd on my laptop. have tried media player,
real player and power dvd. The dvd plays, the sound quality is fine, but the
picture skips. it is impossible to watch a movie like this. it has happened
on a few occasions and i cant remember how i fixed it. Any suggestions would
be good.


I have recently tried to play a dvd on my laptop. have tried media player,
real player and power dvd. The dvd plays, the sound quality is fine, but the
picture skips. it is impossible to watch a movie like this. it has happened
on a few occasions and i cant remember how i fixed it. Any suggestions would
be good.
Try turning off hardware acceleration on video card.


i have recently found the problem. There is a fault in newer versions of
Windows. The IDE channels should be set at DMA if available. Windows will
quite simply change this without warning. When u attempt to change this back
to DMA from PIO, it appears to have been done, but it still hasnt. so u will
need to uninstall the IDE channels and then reboot your computer. depending
on what version of windows you have, when rebooted the OS should pick up and
install the channels back and your problem will be sorted.

Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

mgoodchild00 said:
i have recently found the problem. There is a fault in newer versions of
Windows. The IDE channels should be set at DMA if available. Windows will
quite simply change this without warning. When u attempt to change this back
to DMA from PIO, it appears to have been done, but it still hasnt. so u will
need to uninstall the IDE channels and then reboot your computer. depending
on what version of windows you have, when rebooted the OS should pick up and
install the channels back and your problem will be sorted.

But you'll have the problem again, because XP doesn't reset the transfer
mode just to p*ss you off. It happens because of read errors. XP will
incrementally step back the transfer mode until it finally says the hell
with it and switches out of DMA altogether.

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