DVD/CD suddenly stops working (GMA-4082N)



Toshiba P100 Laptop / Vista Ultimate
I recently noticed that the DVD writer (LG model GMA4082N) on my laptop had
stopped functioning. When I look in the device manager it says the device is
unable to start. I've uninstalled it and then restarted, so windows reloads
the driver, with the same result.
If I start with a bootable disc in the drive the system will attempt to boot
from it, so I'm inclined to think it's a Vista issue.
Any ideas?


I have a similar problem. Initially I could play CD's and DVD's on my Aspire
laptop. Then suddenly when I insert a disc, nothing happens. When I click on
My Computer there is a red circle with a red line through it, covering the
disc drive. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the drive, with no luck. I've
checked, and the drive is working properly. Am I missing something?


I have a simijlar situation. I even purchased and installed a brand new DVD
RW. When booting it is visible in the DOS screen, but Win Vista Ultimate does
not see it.
Any idea


Thank you so much Decoman. I read your email this AM before leaving for work,
uninstalled I Tunes and VOILA. All is back to normal. I quickly tested the
DVD and its back to normal, I'll test fully tonight but I'm very optimistic.
Thank you

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