dual boot with linux

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i installed suse 10.1 linux on my m/c 2 days ago on a dual boot with windows
xp prof. but i cannot seem to do anything with linux and when i contacted
linux forums they treated me like an idiot,what i now need to know is how do
i get rid of linux on my pc as when i boot up it sits waiting for me to say
which system i want and if i am not quick enough it boots up in suse linux,i
will still keep cd`s incase of problems with windows,i cannot format hard
drive as i lost my copy of windows and a repair shop installed windows xp
prof. for me.
Thank you and please help me.
Thank you and please help me.

not a problem, go into linux
under the options for boot up you can change which system you want to be
default upon start up.

I am familiar with Mandriva, so I don't know which area you will find the
option to change the settings. In mandriva it is called control center.

You could try again in the linux forum, just ask the question how to
change the boot up option.

Also, give linux a chance, it is different from windows and take some time
to learn just like any new you do in life.

You can take Linux off by just deleting the partitions it is on, but you
will need to know how to repair your boot record or you will just see a
bunch of 99999.... Again ask in the linux forum, just ask the question
without comparing the two systems.
i installed suse 10.1 linux on my m/c 2 days ago on a dual boot with windows
xp prof. but i cannot seem to do anything with linux and when i contacted
linux forums they treated me like an idiot,what i now need to know is how do
i get rid of linux on my pc as when i boot up it sits waiting for me to say
which system i want and if i am not quick enough it boots up in suse linux,i
will still keep cd`s incase of problems with windows,i cannot format hard
drive as i lost my copy of windows and a repair shop installed windows xp
prof. for me.
Thank you and please help me.

Doing anything about your multi-booting setup without having
a WinXP CD is risky. Get this CD first, and the product key,
then post again.
My, we've learn a lot, eh?

1. Linux isn't all peaches and cream and the Linux "leets" are perfectly
willing to diss you - especially when they have no answer but do not want to
admit it. For them it's a snob thing anyway .. treating you badly is a way
for them to affirm their self-appointed "superiority" without actually
providing anything substantively superior.

2. Playing with an installation that's not easily replaced is a pain. Better
to have just left it and put Linux somewhere else, if put put anywhere at

3. For heavy duty computer users, it's always nice (and oh so convenient) to
have a Windows disc and key around in case one needs to reinstall. Sometimes
it's just worth it to get one's hands on such a disc and key even if it
means buying one's own extra copy at the giant Business Store [upgrade
version is usually sufficient - although for said, you will need
verification media (e.g. an old Win98 disc) to do clean installs].

In my opinion, without Windows discs it will be difficult to do anything to
repair your computer. Are you sure you cannot get your hands on a copy?

I would into look into Recovery Console's FIXBOOT and FIXMBR .. these
usually can restore the MBR and boot sectors so that it boots properly. You
can get to the Recovery Console prompt by booting from the Windows XP disc
[which you don't have right now] and the tools found there would probably do
it .. but don't rush, wait for some more replies.

If you do play around anymore though, I strongly strongly advise making
backups of any important files / music files / documents etc etc and perhaps
storing the production of the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard
"off-computer" (i.e. onto removable media or external harddrive) because you
might end up hosing the thing!
i installed suse 10.1 linux on my m/c 2 days ago on a dual boot with
windows xp prof. but i cannot seem to do anything with linux and when i
contacted linux forums they treated me like an idiot,

I wonder why? Did you learn how to use Windoze in 2 days? What makes you
think you should be able to learn a totally different and new o/s in 2 days
or throw your hands up in the air in frustration?
what i now need to
know is how do i get rid of linux on my pc as when i boot up it sits
waiting for me to say which system i want and if i am not quick enough it
boots up in suse linux,

I'm not familiar with that distro, but it must use either LILO or Grub as
its bootloader. In either case you can change the delay time in choosing
which o/s to boot by changing the relevant bootloader. You can also set
which o/s is the default to boot. Do some googling and you'll easily get
the answer and how to do what you want.
i will still keep cd`s incase of problems with
windows,i cannot format hard drive as i lost my copy of windows and a
repair shop installed windows xp prof. for me.

You'll need some kind of bootloader if you choose to remove Linux and its
bootloader from your system. Unfortunately, you don't have a XP install CD
which would allow you to re-establish the bootloader that comes with XP.
You better stop losing your "copy of windows" or else people are going to
think you're an idiot.
Thank you and please help me.

You start by helping yourself. From all I've read, Suse 10.1 is a highly
regarding operating system. If you'd put a little effort into learning how
to use it, I'm pretty sure you'd find it is far more capable and
pleasurable to use than Windoze. I find Linux users to be pretty damn
helpful if the person seeking help doesn't come off as just another
Wintard. Your 2-day excursion into Linux with a demand to remove it because
you're too lazy to put any effort into learning how to control your own
computer suggests you're just another Wintard and that I would guess is why
you've been looked at as being an idiot. Why did you install Linux in the
first place? Are you one of these people who just have to install
everything that one comes across?

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:


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Why go back to that rudeness? So he can continue to be treated like an
idiot? Fool me once shame on you, fool me agains shame on me. FIXMBR and
FIXBOOT will probably just plain fix the problem. A bit of Disk Management
and he can reclaim the space wasted by the Linux install.

Linux is free .. but only if your time has no value.
Why go back to that rudeness? So he can continue to be treated like an
idiot? Fool me once shame on you, fool me agains shame on me. FIXMBR and
FIXBOOT will probably just plain fix the problem.

And just how do you propose he run those utilities since he says he doesn't
have a Windoze CD? Any other bright ideas?
A bit of Disk Management
and he can reclaim the space wasted by the Linux install.
Wasted is in the eye of the beholder. I'd suggest that his Windoze partition
is wasted space. Then again, he has put a whole 2 days of effort into
trying to learn a new o/s. He gets a return on the effort expended. In this
case, very little.
Linux is free .. but only if your time has no value.

Bullshit. A little effort in learning ones way around a new operating system
will save him much time later - especially when his Windoze starts crapping
out and requires a complete re-installation or he has to chase around
malware on his system. You Wintards are truly something to behold. Closed
minds and very little understanding of how computers really work.

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:


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you've been looked at as being an idiot. Why did you install Linux in the
first place? Are you one of these people who just have to install
everything that one comes across?

Excellent response!!!!
i installed suse 10.1 linux on my m/c 2 days ago on a dual boot with windows
xp prof. but i cannot seem to do anything with linux and when i contacted
linux forums they treated me like an idiot,what i now need to know is how do
i get rid of linux on my pc as when i boot up it sits waiting for me to say
which system i want and if i am not quick enough it boots up in suse linux,i
will still keep cd`s incase of problems with windows,i cannot format hard
drive as i lost my copy of windows and a repair shop installed windows xp
prof. for me.
Thank you and please help me.

I have helped many individuals install linux as a dual boot on their
computers. What is amazes me most of them are seniors, tired of
spyware, virus, reinstalling, etc., who are surprizingly very good at
learning linux. They have are open mineded and willing to take some time
to learn something different. Plus, the latest dristo's of linux are no
harder to use than windows, email readers are email readers, browser are
browsers. Either you know how to use them or you don't, doesn't matter
what OS you are using.

I used the Linux forums years ago for help to learn when I was just
getting started and people there were very helpful and stayed with me
until my problem was solved. Now days, I help others when they ask.

Part of the problem that I see in my every day encounters with the public
is many people don't even know how to use a computer and don't want to
learn how or I should say aren't willing to take the time or spend the
money to be tutored. They hope some other magical OS out there will be
more user friendly. I think they want a computer off the enterprise that
they can just talk to and have their commands followed. There have been
many days I just wanted to tell the person, you are too stupid to own a
computer, box it up and take it back to the store and get your money back.
And I am talking about Windows users.

But I won't place all the blame on the users. It is the computer industry.
They want to sell computers!! When old grandma goes down to the big
computer store and ask the salesman, are they hard to use, he answers, Oh
no, just point and click, that is all that is to it, you don't need to
know anything else. Well, they do need to know a lot more. After all these
years I am still teaching people how to send an attachment with a email or
how to get an attachment, how to save a file and find it again.

I was tutoring an older gentleman, who own a plane, on email use. I told
him I had just bought an airplane. I have never flow a plane and have no
training, but I wanted to take a trip about 350 miles to another
city the next day. I ask him did he think I would have any problems. He
thought I was crazy! I wonder why. I mean isn't like start it up, pull the
trottle back and take off. Sort of like using a computer isn't it???

Well, my rant is over for the time being...
NoStop said:
I wonder why? Did you learn how to use Windoze in 2 days? What makes
you think you should be able to learn a totally different and new o/s
in 2 days or throw your hands up in the air in frustration?

I'm not familiar with that distro, but it must use either LILO or
Grub as its bootloader. In either case you can change the delay time
in choosing which o/s to boot by changing the relevant bootloader.
You can also set which o/s is the default to boot. Do some googling
and you'll easily get the answer and how to do what you want.

You'll need some kind of bootloader if you choose to remove Linux and
its bootloader from your system. Unfortunately, you don't have a XP
install CD which would allow you to re-establish the bootloader that
comes with XP. You better stop losing your "copy of windows" or else
people are going to think you're an idiot.

You start by helping yourself. From all I've read, Suse 10.1 is a
highly regarding operating system. If you'd put a little effort into
learning how to use it, I'm pretty sure you'd find it is far more
capable and pleasurable to use than Windoze. I find Linux users to be
pretty damn helpful if the person seeking help doesn't come off as
just another Wintard. Your 2-day excursion into Linux with a demand
to remove it because you're too lazy to put any effort into learning
how to control your own computer suggests you're just another Wintard
and that I would guess is why you've been looked at as being an
idiot. Why did you install Linux in the first place? Are you one of
these people who just have to install everything that one comes

Confirmed my suspicions, you are a clueless Linux advocate
The OP will need to do the following.

You are a newbee Linux advocate without a clue.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.
i installed suse 10.1 linux on my m/c 2 days ago on a dual boot with windows
xp prof. but i cannot seem to do anything with linux and when i contacted
linux forums they treated me like an idiot,what i now need to know is how do
i get rid of linux on my pc as when i boot up it sits waiting for me to say
which system i want and if i am not quick enough it boots up in suse linux,i
will still keep cd`s incase of problems with windows,i cannot format hard
drive as i lost my copy of windows and a repair shop installed windows xp
prof. for me.
Thank you and please help me.

Open Yast and look for bootloader options, you can change the timeout
value and/or the default OS there.

Steve N.
Michael said:
Confirmed my suspicions, you are a clueless Linux advocate
The OP will need to do the following.

That's not the only way to do it and that will only work if the
bootloader is lilo; it won't work if it is grub, which many distros use.
You can also use fixmbr from Recovery Console or fdisk /mbr from a
Win98/ME boot diskette. There are also 3rd party utils that can deal
with it, but they aren't really necessary.

I think that KB article is outdated and incomplete.
You are a newbee Linux advocate without a clue.

Whatever he is, he's annoying and gives normal and sane Linux users a
bad name, as do the snobs in a lot of linux newsgroups/forums.

Steve N.
Confirmed my suspicions, you are a clueless Linux advocate
The OP will need to do the following.
Sorry Mr. MVP, but that MickeyMouse article won't help him. Suse 10.1
doesn't use LILO as its bootloader. It uses Grub apparently. I'm not in the
business of removing Linux and leaving Windoze on a computer. I don't have
any computers that dualboot with Windoze. Nor am I familiar with Suse 10.1.
All this has been said. So, it appears that YOU are the clueless one around
here on this subject.
You are a newbee Linux advocate without a clue.
I think that I've just proved this statement wrong. It is YOU that is the
clueless one. If the OP followed the directions in that MickeyMouse article
he wouldn't get anywhere.

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:


A 3D Linux Desktop (video) ...

View Some Common Linux Desktops ...
NoStop said:

Sorry Mr. MVP, but that MickeyMouse article won't help him. Suse 10.1
doesn't use LILO as its bootloader. It uses Grub apparently. I'm not in the
business of removing Linux and leaving Windoze on a computer. I don't have
any computers that dualboot with Windoze. Nor am I familiar with Suse 10.1.
All this has been said. So, it appears that YOU are the clueless one around
here on this subject.

I think that I've just proved this statement wrong. It is YOU that is the
clueless one. If the OP followed the directions in that MickeyMouse article
he wouldn't get anywhere.

Lose the attitude and quit being a dick, maybe then someone will listen
to you. You may have something to offer, but your hellfire and damnation
campaign against Windows is fruitless.

Steve N.