Download unabled from Tucows & Pogo solved



Thanks to a poster named Mike Burgess
I got my Pogo and Tucows back.

If you are having the same problem check this out.
Some securtity programs (spyware stoppers) may include a blacklist program
to block certain sites from your IE. This is obviously good but some of
your downloads are associated with some of these sites.

The "blacklist" may be located in your C:\windows (win98\ME)
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC (win xp\2000) under a file named "host"
back it up, then open it with a text editor. You may find a list of sites,
see if yours is listed.
If it is delete that site and save.

How do you know which site?

In my case when I went to I always had a "action cancelled"
I right clicked on it and checked the properties and it listed
ad.doubleclick It was listed on my Host file and when I deleted, it solved
the problem.

For Tucows there was a "ad.tucows" listed on the Host file I deleted it and

Mike saved months of frustration
Check out his site


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