Dowloand File Fails in Internet Explorer



For some time now, I cannot dowload files in IE 6. When I click a link to a
file download, the Open/Save window comes up. If I choose save, and select
a location and filename, the download window then freezes, as does the
browser. I can still close the download and with it the browser by exiting
normally (don't need Task Manager to kill them).

Funny thing, if I opt to Open the file from it's web location (particularly
handy if it's a zip file), I can successfully open the file.

I suspect this all started after installing update: Cumulative Security
Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB832894), which is reported
to cause various problems with other apps connectivity. But I've done too
much other installation to feel I can safely do a rollback to before that

System: WinXP Pro, Norton AV 2003, IE 6.0.2800 SP1. ZoneAlarm Basic

Thoughts? Suggestions? oh yeah, dowloads with Mozilla work ok.



Looks like your using zonealram as a firewall. When downloading files you sometime need to shut down the firewall or it can cause the error you are talking about. I use BlackIce Defender (cable modem always on) and I sometimes run into the same problem.


I thought of that - even with ZA, popup stopper, Norton AV all off, the
problem persists in IExplorer.
Bringing you BeadWizard Design Software
Practice safe eating -- always use condiments.

Looks like your using zonealram as a firewall. When downloading files you
sometime need to shut down the firewall or it can cause the error you are
talking about. I use BlackIce Defender (cable modem always on) and I
sometimes run into the same problem.


Hi VManes,

Consider reinstalling IE:

Copy and paste the following line to the Start > Run prompt, it will
try to reinstall IE and the routine will need the XP CD.

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemroot%\inf\ie.inf

Alternatively, the routine will ask for diverse files, go to a command
prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and type
dir name_of_file_needed /s (Example dir iesinfo5.ins /s)
This will tell you the location of the file, browse to that path and
click retry.
You will have to do this for 5 or 6 files, which can be bothersome.
But it can also be reinstalled without the CD. And useful to retain
the updated features.

Good luck


Thanks for the reinstall info. Sounds like fun thing to while away the
weekend. I'll let you know how it turns out.


Hi VManes,

Consider reinstalling IE:

Copy and paste the following line to the Start > Run prompt, it will
try to reinstall IE and the routine will need the XP CD.

<<big snip>>


Did a reinstall of IE, no change - still can't save download files (but can
open them!)

Funny thing, this appears to only be a problem for my main user account -
other user accounts on the PC can save downloads.

Curiouser and Curiouser.


Bringing you BeadWizard Design Software
Practice safe eating -- always use condiments.

Hi VManes,

Consider reinstalling IE:

Copy and paste the following line to the Start > Run prompt, it will
try to reinstall IE and the routine will need the XP CD.

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemroot%\inf\ie.inf

Alternatively, the routine will ask for diverse files, go to a command
prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and type
dir name_of_file_needed /s (Example dir iesinfo5.ins /s)
This will tell you the location of the file, browse to that path and
click retry.
You will have to do this for 5 or 6 files, which can be bothersome.
But it can also be reinstalled without the CD. And useful to retain
the updated features.

Good luck


Hi Val,

Thanks for the feedback.
I'm sorry the problem was not solved :-(

Might it be a corrupted user account?
Have you cleaned your temporal folders?

Indeed, curioser and curioser!


I had the same problem. It occurs when you download a file to a
network folder and then the next time you try to download, the network
folder is no longer available. The fix is simple; edit your windows
registry and blank-out the download reference to the network folder:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download

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