Don't Load At Startup-I Don't Think So


Gerals Sindler

I've been reading all the posts about how to prevent the
program from loading at startup, and all I find is
doubletalk about how it is necessary to be active all the
time, and how one might be able to disable it if you
scratch your ear with you elbow. First off, I operate a
single computer, back up frequently, have a firewall and
virus protection. So I recognize the need for security.
But MS AntiSpywar slows down my PC so that it is quite
annoying. Until the program can be refined so that it
doesn't make my system crawl, I want to be able to shut
it off. Second, if the options such as "don't load and
startup," and "don't allow real time protection" are
included in the program, why don't they work. If you tell
another program to "not load at startup," IT DOESN'T:!
Pure and simple. Notwithstanding the architecture and
intent of the program, until it is improved and speeded
up, or until the obvious options of discretionary startup
are made to work, it seems like the only option from
allowing it to run wild and do whatever it wants is to
uninstall it.

If I'm wrong, someone please let me know. Thanks.
(e-mail address removed)

Bill Sanderson

You are wrong.

There's nothing wrong with your feelings about the matter--you should be
able to turn it off--and there are UI buttons that look like they would do
that, and they don't. That's bad.

You are experiencing poor performance of the app on your machine. I do
believe that, although I haven't seen it my self on about three dozen
machines with this app installed. I don't have an explanation for the
performance issue, but I do know that disabling real-time protection has
alleviated it in every case I've tested so far via these groups.

Yes, the UI buttons don't do the job.

This KB article, however has a workaround section which does work: End users may be prompted to allow or
block administrative actions that originate from a central management tool
after they install Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) on a computer that is managed
by Systems Management Server 2003

I don't blame you for not spotting this KB article--it certainly isn't clear
from the heading that this is where to find that information.

You can also disable the startup item for Microsoft Antispyware--however,
you can't do that with the System Explorers in Microsoft Antispyware--they
are too "smart."

So--I sympathize with your observations, believe you about the performance
issue, want to assure you that not everybody is seeing it, don't have a fix
for it, suggest that you turn off real-time protection, and hope that you'll
stick around and test beta2 when itis available, and beg forgiveness for
this run-on sentence.

Gerald Sindler

-----Original Message-----
You are wrong.

There's nothing wrong with your feelings about the matter--you should be
able to turn it off--and there are UI buttons that look like they would do
that, and they don't. That's bad.

You are experiencing poor performance of the app on your machine. I do
believe that, although I haven't seen it my self on about three dozen
machines with this app installed. I don't have an explanation for the
performance issue, but I do know that disabling real- time protection has
alleviated it in every case I've tested so far via these groups.

Yes, the UI buttons don't do the job.

This KB article, however has a workaround section which does work: End users may be prompted to allow or
block administrative actions that originate from a central management tool
after they install Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) on a computer that is managed
by Systems Management Server 2003

I don't blame you for not spotting this KB article--it certainly isn't clear
from the heading that this is where to find that information.

You can also disable the startup item for Microsoft Antispyware--however,
you can't do that with the System Explorers in Microsoft Antispyware--they
are too "smart."

So--I sympathize with your observations, believe you about the performance
issue, want to assure you that not everybody is seeing it, don't have a fix
for it, suggest that you turn off real-time protection, and hope that you'll
stick around and test beta2 when itis available, and beg forgiveness for
this run-on sentence.

FAQ for Microsoft Antispyware:

I appreciate your open and quick response. I cetainly
will give Beta 2 a try, but I'm getting too much
aggravation from the family now about the miserable
performance (i.e. 20 seconds to load a web page). Thanks
for the workaround. I'll give it a try.

Bill Sanderson

Gerald Sindler said:
will give Beta 2 a try, but I'm getting too much
aggravation from the family now about the miserable
performance (i.e. 20 seconds to load a web page). Thanks
for the workaround. I'll give it a try.

That's terrible. Assuming this is "real"--i.e. it isn't due to the presence
of some virus or spyware on your machine, that is clearly unacceptable.
Turning off the real-time protection should fix it, but that protection is
the real strength of the product in my eyes--not just a nice extra.

I hope they figure out what the issue is that has this effect and get it
fixed before the next build.

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