Does MS even care?



omron said:
And then you said :

I don't remember calling you an idiot, but somehow you managed to turn
some other guy said, against me, calling me an idiot. How nice of you...

Besides, my comment even started with :
Clearly stating that I DO NOT SUPPORT PIRACY!!!!

And yet, you somehow twisted that into :

See where I'm going with this?
Yes Richardo Urbano is indeed an idiot.


Alias said:
Sell MS short. Their profits are going to go right down the drain due to
their intrusive "protection programs" which do nothing to stop piracy and
do everything to encourage people to look for alternatives.
Like easy to use and Crack XP.

Nina DiBoy

Again unfortunately - this is what the content provides want and not
something Microsoft is doing to you.

But Mike, MS is doing this to alot of people. Haven't you noticed the
sheet volume of people who post here saying that they like MS and it's
products, they love XP, but they strongly dislike alot of things about
Vista, including the DRM?

Because of MS's virtual monopoly of OSes and software on x86 hardware,
these people feel trapped. Some like Apple and some like linux, but
those OSes are not for everyone. People who only like Windows DON'T
have a choice of whether this buggy content protection crap is in their
Windows OS or not.
There is more to this then what I think you may have read in some
recent web articles as you mention below.
It is not usually that intrusive, but again the content providers
choose how far they want the protection to go.

Only to a point. MS decided how much content protection controls to put
in Vista. If the content providers want any beyond that, they impose it
on users by further limiting the users' ability on how to use the
content with their own EULAs and content protection they code for their
own software which the users use to access the content.

Entirely too true.
No they are both big issues - and both have an impact on revenue.

Yes. And MS hopes to use piracy of their products to increase their
already monopolistic market share:
Then they are not paying for what they use, that is piracy pure and
simple and when it is not one family but millions you can see how the
casual piracy number add up to significant lost revenue. Maybe you
should think about the job you have and ask your self if it is fair
that someone asks you to do one thing then tells you to do 2 more
just > because you are there and they are not going to pay you for it.
(there > are any number of analogies that can be used, but it comes down to
paying for what you use and not stealing it)

Indeed and these are targeted in other ways.

No everyone who is a pirate is targeted both casual and commercial.
You just see more visible the casual methods of combat.

Money being thrown away would be to do nothing to attack both forms as
both cost revenue. You can actually see in your response why this is
an issue in your use of the "family" and "little guy" clearly showing
that people seem to think just putting Windows on one more PC in their
houses doesn't matter - but there are millions of these and them
casually stealing Windows through ignorance of license terms or
deliberate attempts must be stopped. (As well as working to stop
commercial piracy etc)

The R&D budget is huge - but it could be bigger if people paid for the
software they casually steal, either through casual piracy or
buying/downloading commercially pirated software etc.

Gameport coming back is extremely unlikely.


Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"DRM is not added to anything in Vista."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

Nina DiBoy

john said:

according to them, you aren't even an MVP
that figures, plus it explains a LOT
freakin toad

Dick is an MVP:

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"DRM is not added to anything in Vista."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

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