Display size difference- PC computer vs. Mac computer?



Please help.

Excel files display very much smaller on a Mac than on a PC computer.

Both the PC and the Mac screen resolutions are set to 1024 x 768.

I've tested this on several Macs and PC's. Why? ...and what is the best

The files look great on various PC's, (laptops and CRT's), but very tiny
on the Macs, (laptops and CRT's).

Operating system versions on either type machine make no difference. The
Mac display is always too small, and thus not usable without magnifying.

This must be a very common complaint!!! What is the deal here?



Bruce Sinclair

Please help.
Excel files display very much smaller on a Mac than on a PC computer.
Both the PC and the Mac screen resolutions are set to 1024 x 768.

I've tested this on several Macs and PC's. Why? ...and what is the best

The files look great on various PC's, (laptops and CRT's), but very tiny
on the Macs, (laptops and CRT's).

Operating system versions on either type machine make no difference. The
Mac display is always too small, and thus not usable without magnifying.

This must be a very common complaint!!! What is the deal here?

Display is not a problem. Just set the zoom value to whatever makes the file
easy to read, or change the font size or any combination of those.
Personally I prefer to see more numbers so run with 80 % zoom and 10 point
fount as standard. When I got a bigger screen, I could see even more ... but
I could have changed the zoom if I had wanted it to look "the same".

HTH :)

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