DirectX 9.0 as a Critical Update?


Rich McGlew

Does anyone know why DirectX 9.0 would come up as a
critical update through Windows Update? I'm running
Windows 2000. I'm not clear what version of DirectX I'm
running currently.


Hi Rich McGlew

To know what version of DX you are running, do the following: Goto the Start
Menu and there select 'Run...'. A new window will open. There type 'dxdiag'
(without the '). A new Window will open. There, look for the Direct X
Version Line (at the bottom of the pane). You will know what DX version you
have installed.

And you are right (and WU too) that this is a critical Update. A
vulnerability in DX could allow an attacker to execute code on a user's
system. Therefore, its a highly critical update.

If you are already running DX 9.0 a you can either update to DX 9.0 b (which
includes this security fix as well as performance updates) or patch your
existing DX 9.0 a version (I recommend you do the former).

For other upgrade possibilities, please refer to the Security Bulletin
MS03-030: (Home User

or here:
(with all technical details etc)

Be sure to apply this update as soon as possible as without it you do
compromise your PC's security a lot. Please ensure as well the update
MS-03-026 is installed:

After installing you will need to reboot.

Hope this helps. Regards,


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