Digitally signing VBA Project



I want to digitally sign my macro, so that all our offices can use it
(without prompts). I know I can use SelfCert.exe, but I would like one which
is recognised by windows as a trusted source (so all my users don't have to
add my self cert on every machine). I have spoken to Verisign - they charge
$499, I looked at GoDaddy, and they don't make them.

Is there a more affordable source of one of these certificates?



You probably will not find any cheap sources for a digital certificate. Most
users of digital certificates are commercial entities who can recover the
cost of the certificate through sales of their products. Obtaining a
certificate for "convenience" to avoid security warnings may be more costly
than the value received in processing ease. Unless there is a constant
output of new procedures that are used by other workstations, I doubt that
obtaining the certificate would be worthwhile.

Thomas Ramel

Grüezi Michelle

Michelle schrieb am 10.11.2007
I want to digitally sign my macro, so that all our offices can use it
(without prompts). I know I can use SelfCert.exe, but I would like one which
is recognised by windows as a trusted source (so all my users don't have to
add my self cert on every machine). I have spoken to Verisign - they charge
$499, I looked at GoDaddy, and they don't make them.

Is there a more affordable source of one of these certificates?

If you *really* want a certificate, thats trusted 'by default' you will not
find anything else than the one you already have.

But if you are content with a 'real' certificate thats ex- and importable
to every PC and will be suitable in the future when, maybe, the users
profile who created the code wiill be deleted then you might hav a look at
'selfcert' on the following site:

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Thomas Ramel

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