Desktop Taskbar



I have made several changes to my my desktop taskbar that
runs along the bottom of the screen, only showing the
shortcuts I use on a regular basis. Howver, everytime I
restart my computer, the previous taskbar appears and I
have to change it again. How come my new toolbar
configurations are not saving?


/Marco/ said:
I have made several changes to my my desktop taskbar that
runs along the bottom of the screen, only showing the
shortcuts I use on a regular basis. Howver, everytime I
restart my computer, the previous taskbar appears and I
have to change it again. How come my new toolbar
configurations are not saving?

Have you right-clicked, and UNlocked the taskbar - prior to making changes?

Drew Tognola

fix your taskbar, then right-click and 'lock taskbar'. now log out of
windows and log back in (don't reboot)

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