Dell Inspiron 8600



I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop running Windows XP Home. The computer
reboots itself shortly after it brings up the desktop. Does anyone have a
solution for this problem?


Could be any of a number of things. Approach it logically. Is this a new
problem? If so, was any new hardware or software added recently? Have you
tried System Restore back to before the problem started? It could be heat
related. Is the fan running? Do you have a utility that monitors the CPU
temperature? Are the vent holes/slots blocked? Is there enough space under
the laptop to provide adaquate ventilation? It could be hardware related. A
bad RAM stick could cause this. If you have two sticks, remove one at a time
to see if the problem goes away. Could be a bad power supply.

Lots of other possibilities...



I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop running Windows XP Home. The computer
reboots itself shortly after it brings up the desktop. Does anyone have a
solution for this problem?

It's a Dell. Therefore manufacturer provides comprehensive hardware
diagnostics in that machine and on their web site. It could be this
or that or the other thing. All is irrelevant. What do facts state?

It is heat? I believe its an Intel processor. If it overheats, it
just slows down - does not crash.

Break the problem down into parts - then analyze each part. Test
the system without Windows - comprehensive hardware diagnostics. Only
consider software after hardware is confirmed.

Also what does the system (event) logs report? Windows will see
failures, record them, and work around them. You address the problems
later by learning about them in the event logs or by 'cut and pasting'
numbers and text from those logs here.

In each case, first identify the problem. Repairing it comes
later. Never try to identify a problem by fixing things; also called

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