Cycle ride


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Yesterday was warm so I went for a bicycle ride exploring the highways and biways of SE8 & SE16. My bicycle is not the most pristine of machines, my mate Johnny Foster having pulled it from a skip over ten years ago. At the time I fixed a puncture, oiled the chain and bought a pump and that’s all I’ve ever done to it. It works perfectly. Today is warm as well, might hit the pub later.

Pictures were taken using a Canon G16 on full auto setting, just click and shoot, no Photoshop, Light Room or cropping. They have been reduced to 800 for the forum though.


This wasn’t here a couple of years ago. Do the wooden supports look like Roman galley oars?



My bicycle, marvellous innit?



Twinkle Park. Twinkle Park? Who thought of that name then? It’s a conservation area and swing park and that overgrown area is apparently a pond though I didn’t see any signs of water.




The marina at Rotherhithe, fish were jumping here yesterday, big fish by the look of it, I’d never seen that before. This is where some friends of mine moored their boat ‘The Hunky Dory’ but they flogged it.








The Wibbley Wobbley today. In past times I had a few good drinks here, it used to be a pub and then a pub/restaurant but after the owner, comedian Malcolm Hardee, died it fell into disrepair. It looks as though squatters moved in at one point though yesterday I saw no signs of life onboard





Looks like a great trip! Interesting photos of the Wibbly Wobbly too, but I'm glad to hear you didn't encounter any pirates. Bet it must be sweltering in London today!

Today is warm as well, might hit the pub later.

A most excellent plan :thumb: :cheers:
I enjoyed the photos Flopps; you always seem to capture some very interesting (and unusual) sites. :)
Great photos Flops - I've always enjoyed your picture threads! It looks so entirely different to Manchester (perhaps I'll take my camera and do a Manchester version!).

Do you know what that 4th to last photo is? Was just wondering if it was the back of something cool, or just a cellar entrance :).
Great pictures mate, as said above you always manage to show us the more unusual places. :)
The Google Fu is strong with this one! Good work Urmas. :)
Good work Urmas :D! Haha, you even managed to find it on a Finnish website!
Thanks for the comments folks and well done Urmas with your detective skills. So that's what happened to the pond at Twinkle Park eh? I note that was almost 2 years ago though, I do hope they manage to refill the pond in the future.

The river walk blog Urmas linked to is a little more comprehensive than my short notes but I did go past most of those places though not as far up river. There's some interesting architecture round there.

There's a few of those inner city farms dotted around London, I used to take my kids to most of them when they were younger, they enjoyed those visits.

And a Manchester walkabout would be good Ian :)