Curious interaction W/Win Exp.


Jim H.

When I double-click on an Excel file from Windows Explorer (without Excel
running), a pop-up informs me that I cannot have two files with the same name
open at the same time. However, if I click OK, the window goes away, the file
opens and everything seems ok. If I then close that file but leave Excel
running, I can then reopen the same file with no pop-up, even if I open it
from Windows Explorer. I can also open any Excel file without the pop-up if I
first start Excel. Now, for any Excel file that I open, no matter how I open
it, when I go to close it (without having changed anything in the file) it
always asks me if I want to save the changes.

Hmmm . . . I cannot figure this one out.

Please help if you can.

Thx, Jim H.

Gord Dibben

Try the usual fixes for this.

Tools>Options>General Uncheck "Ignore Other Applications"

If no joy with that................

Close Excel first and On the Windows Taskbar

1) Start>Run "excel.exe /unregserver"(no quotes)>OK.
2) Start>Run "excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.

See the space between exe and /regserver

You might have to designate a full path to excel.exe.

In that case Start>Run "C:\yourpath\excel.exe" /regserver(quotes

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Jim H.

Thanks, Gord; I did all three operations you suggested. The middle one,
(unregserver-regserver) eliminated the problem of the pop-up window telling
me I couldn't have two files of the same name open at the same time. However,
the problem of the pop-up asking me if I want to save changes when I've made
no changes remains.

What do do???

Peo Sjoblom

Do you have any volatile formulas in the workbook like NOW(), TODAY()
INDIRECT, OFFSET etc. If you do than that is what happens.



Peo Sjoblom

Jim H.


No, I don't do fancy stuff. I'm just a General Contractor that uses Excel to
make invoices for my customers. My most complex formula is, for example,
"sum(E2:E15)". I do, however, use the current date thingy in my headers so I
will know when a printed invoice was spit out of my printer.

Jim H.

OOPS, I lied.

I do use a "=TODAY()" thing in a cell. I didn't remember looking that up to
use it in a cell. I thought I had used a date thing in the header.

I guess "TODAY" really changes from session to session. That is, if I save
and close the file and then reopen it immediately and then try to close again
without making any changes, it asks me if I want to save the changes.
However, if I save the file without closing and then wait for a few minutes
and then close the file, it just saves it without asking me anything.

What's the difference?

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