Copyin Formatting and Changing drives



Hi all, Hoping someone can help me here. My comp crashed on the weekend to the dreaded blue sceen took it to the comp repairer and he put in an additional 40g hard drive. I have a 120g hard drive on there as well the one that crashed. Now the first problem is what is the easiest way to back up all my files. I dont need the programs as I have all the disks. Second once I have backed them all up, I do know how to format the drive, but how do I access it as its the slave drive at the moment? and thirdly once I have formatted the drive and put XP back on how do I tell the comp to open in that drive.


=?Utf-8?B?cmVkdGhyZWVzMjAwXzEwMA==?= said:
Hi all, Hoping someone can help me here. My comp crashed on the weekend to the dreaded blue sceen took it to the comp repairer and he put in an additional 40g hard drive. I have a 120g hard drive on there as well the one that crashed. Now the first problem is what is the easiest way to back up all my files. I dont need the programs as I have all the disks. Second once I have backed them all up, I do know how to format the drive, but how do I access it as its the slave drive at the moment? and th

Timewise, your best bet may be to have a tech come over to your home and
do it all for you.

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