Copy contacts from Outlook 2007 to Windows Mail


Beowulf Agat

I want to change email programs from Outlook to Windows Mail but the csv file
I get from Outlook just gives me a bunch of useless contacts in Windows Mail.
Does anyone have a good solution? I have about 600 contacts so doing it
manually is not an option.


I am having the same problem... trying to transfer email and contacts from
Microsoft Outlook on my old computer to Windows mail on the new computer.

I keep getting an error message about a MAPI client. I have searched all
over the Internet on how to do this and everything is about Outlook express,
not regular.

I am so pissed at Microsoft right now I could just.....

Gary VanderMolen

Outlook to Windows Mail is not a recommended upgrade path, which
is why Microsoft doesn't support it.
One of the Outlook experts here will give you detailed advice.

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