Copy a value



Not sure if it can be done:

Property management spreadsheet with general ledger. I wish to separately
track expenses for each property automatically by extracting from the general
ledger. So, my thought is that each row would start with a property code, say
"1" for XYZ property, etc. Then the expense is manually entered in its column
in that row, e.g., "Utilities." I would like to have to the program recognize
the value "1" and then scan the row for the number entered under the
Utilities column and then enter that number in another column in the same row
entitled "XYZ."

I don't know where to look or where to start.


Not quite sure what you are looking for but in a simple format:
Column A headed "Property Code" column B headed "Utilities" and column C
headed "XYZ". Assume the value "1" is entered in cell A2 and expense in cell
B2 then in cell C2 enter =IF($A2>=1,$B2,"") then copy down as necessary.
Change column letter to suit your worksheet layout. Hope this will give you
an idea how to develop further.
Although reading your script again I suspect that your Property management
'Worksheet' is a different worksheet to your general ledger, but in the same
'Workbook' !

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