
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
Wasn't quite sure where to post this but this seemed the most appropriate.
I'm a bit paranoid about cookies!
Don't like the thought of sites downloading multiple files on my computer that aren't necessary (Advertising etc) so I nearly always manage my options, where I can. But am I wasting my time?
I use the Firefox browser and the Start page search engine which are allegedly the most secure (I think) but still wonder what rubbish ends up on my comp.
I just feel like everyone's spying on my every move.
I used to use ccleaner to delete them automatically, but this now seems to be problematic (God I hate that invented word - why can't people just say it's a problem).
Is it just as 'safe' to hit the 'I Agree' button every time.

There are three types of computer cookies: session, persistent, and third-party. In my 'book' Session Cookies are OK, the other two I can do without. Since the data in cookies doesn't change, cookies themselves aren't harmful. They can't infect computers with viruses or other malware. However, some hijack cookies can enable access to your browsing sessions. The danger lies in their ability to track individuals' browsing histories.

If you are bothered about cookies, destroy your computer. :D
Thanks nivrip and muckshifter for your replies.
The 'cookie' article was quite informative nivrip but unfortunately the links to the different browsers were in Dutch, but I'm sure I can sort out what to do via Firefox itself.
Don't think I'll go with Muckshifters rather drastic solution, but I get your point - we're stuck with Cookies whatever we do. I'm just trying to work out how to more efficiently manage the process of choice without having to do it every time I go onto a website. I use the 'manage options' alternative where it's availaible and only allow strictly necessary where I can - time consuming. Unfortunately there are some websites that are happy to give you a long winded explanation, but virtualy give you no option but 'accept all' - is this allowed under current legislation?
I think Google is one of those - although if you've got the time you can go through their privacy process which is ridiculous.
They also give you the option of downloading their Add-on - yeah right and that's absolutely safe!
I always try to avoid Google wherever possible - unfortunately it's difficult.
Thanks again guys?
PS: Yeah I know I'm paranoid!
The 'cookie' article was quite informative nivrip but unfortunately the links to the different browsers were in Dutch, but I'm sure I can sort out what to do via Firefox itself.

There's a box somewhere in the article which allows you to switch to English. I also got it first in Dutch but switched immediately. :)
Wasn't quite sure where to post this but this seemed the most appropriate.
I'm a bit paranoid about cookies!
Don't like the thought of sites downloading multiple files on my computer that aren't necessary (Advertising etc) so I nearly always manage my options, where I can. But am I wasting my time?
I use the Firefox browser and the Start page search engine which are allegedly the most secure (I think) but still wonder what rubbish ends up on my comp.
I just feel like everyone's spying on my every move.
I used to use ccleaner to delete them automatically, but this now seems to be problematic (God I hate that invented word - why can't people just say it's a problem).
Is it just as 'safe' to hit the 'I Agree' button every time.

Install 'I don't care about cookie's' & 'Cookie autodelete'. See attached file.

