computer shuts down



I have a Dell Inspiron 1100, I added Ram and now have 640. Running the XP
Home. I took AOL off thinking it was using to much RAM. Still my computer
will start slowing down then turn off on its own. Wondering if it is
overheating. What else might cause this? Any suggestions?


Hi ben does sound like a heat issue. With your laptop you should have a
diagnostic disk run the disk and you should let it test your fans are working
correct. I would also recommend downloading speed fan its free just put it
into google. Post the temperature figures and any error codes you get from
the diagnostic disk and we will go from there.


One more thing turn your laptop over and locate the fans unsrew the backing
plates and give them a good clean. Compressed air is best you can get it from
most PC stores or just blow until you go dizzy.

Ken Blake, MVP

ben said:
I have a Dell Inspiron 1100, I added Ram and now have 640.
Running the XP Home. I took AOL off thinking it was using to much

You *uninstalled* AOL? Having a program installed uses no RAM at all. Having
it *running* may use RAM, but even then if it's running but not in use, most
programs will quickly get paged out and not use any real memory (RAM).

Still my computer will start slowing down then turn off on its
own. Wondering if it is overheating. What else might cause this?

Overheating might cause it to turn off, but not to slow down. Please
describe exactly what you mean by "my computer will start slowing down."
When does it start to do this? Immediately after booting? After some period
of running? After some period of being on but idle? How much does it slow
down? How long does it take before it turns off? Are you always doing the
same thing when it turns off? What is it?


Ken Blake said:
You *uninstalled* AOL? Having a program installed uses no RAM at all. Having
it *running* may use RAM, but even then if it's running but not in use, most
programs will quickly get paged out and not use any real memory (RAM).

Overheating might cause it to turn off, but not to slow down. Please
describe exactly what you mean by "my computer will start slowing down."
When does it start to do this? Immediately after booting? After some period
of running? After some period of being on but idle? How much does it slow
down? How long does it take before it turns off? Are you always doing the
same thing when it turns off? What is it?


Thanks Joe, I will try those.

Ken, pogo games is one example, it will simply get slower and slower when
trying to play and shut down. I have tried to rip music from my own cds to
burn some travel ones, does not work. Ripping slows and stops and the
computer will turn off. Sometimes if I am chatting and trying to read a blog
or one of my links same thing, will type a reply to someone and it may take
several seconds for the reply to appear. I just tell them bye, since I know
it is going off. I am not on a landline-have broadband, so it is not the
connection. Problems really began when I had 256 ram and downloaded the
windows serivce pak and the aol security edition at around the same time.
When I checked I would have about 40-60 available RAM running after that. I
now have around 400 available. The only adware I have is windows defender
and my reviews suggest it is as good as any of the free ones. It never finds
anything when I run it.

Uh Joe, I dont have a diagnostic disk with this computer. I have a window
restore but it wont load because my current edition is much newer then what
came with it on the disk.

I appreciate both of you replying, been on the road all day is why I am
slow in answering. Thanks, ben


-- Hi Ben had a look on the dell site and your model of laptop should come
with a diagnostic cd drom. If not you can get one from the You will need your asset tag number which should be on
the bottom of your laptop. You will need to register to get access but it
only takes a couple of minutes. You will be able to download the diagnostic
software and new drivers etc. I would recommend contacting Dell support is it
still under warranty as i firmly believe this is a hardware issue and almost
certainly a heat or power glitch.

Joe Mitchell MCP

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