code 34



1. My computer has Windows XP Home Edition on it and it keep restarting
as soon as i logged on. I followed all the guides i could find. EZ
Trust cleared 122 of 139 viruses. The other 10 were removed by E-scan.
Ad ware remove a couple too. There are seven in the C:Windows/Temp
folder. Is it safe to erase the stuff in this folder??

2. Code 34 keeps popping up and another window that say W000F174.dll
cannot be found by the system. Can anyone give me an idea on what these
mean or how to fix them???

3. If i do a xp repair install will I lose all my Word documents and
excel documents???

Wesley Vogel

You can dlete anything in C:\Windows\Temp. However...

You can delete files in TEMP folders. If you are unsure, reboot and
check the folder(s) again. XP will not let you delete a file that is in
use. Also if you just installed software you should reboot. Then check the
folder(s) again. Some programs require these files after a reboot. It is
good practice to always reboot after installing any software.

W000F174.dll is probably some sort of malware. There may still be a startup
reference to it if W000F174.dll is no longer on your machine.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



1. My computer has Windows XP Home Edition on it and it keep restarting
as soon as i logged on. I followed all the guides i could find. EZ
Trust cleared 122 of 139 viruses. The other 10 were removed by E-scan.
Ad ware remove a couple too. There are seven in the C:Windows/Temp
folder. Is it safe to erase the stuff in this folder??

2. Code 34 keeps popping up and another window that say W000F174.dll
cannot be found by the system. Can anyone give me an idea on what these
mean or how to fix them???

3. If i do a xp repair install will I lose all my Word documents and
excel documents???

Not much use in doing a repair install if the system is still infected. A
repair install should retain data and applications but you never know,
especially with a compromised system. Why don't you have a backup of
important data files? You should always, always have a full and complete

Before doing any malware removal or repairs, since you don't have a backup,
you should image the system so you have something to fall back on if the
repairs don't go well.

With respect to the Code 34 message you need to provide more info on that.
When does it pop up, in what format, what is the exact message, etc.

How did the system manage to get so infected?

I would run through the malware removal steps detailed in these links
starting with the first one.

Malware Removal

Finding, Removing & Protecting Yourself From Scumware

Richard Harper's Guide to Cleaning Pests


Code 34 pops up after i have signed on and everything is loading in the
right hand corner of the task bar. A small screen will open and it has
protection at the top and the message Code 34 will pop up. Then right
behind that the message" The system cannot find the file W000F174.dll
because it cannot be found." If the system sits for a long time another
screen will pop up that system restore is infected and to disable it
and use disk clean up to And thats what i am trying to get rid of.

My family was down for the holidays and some of the teenagers were on
my computer doing whatever. All i know is that when they left my
computer was messing up like this.


Code 34 pops up after i have signed on and everything is loading in the
right hand corner of the task bar. A small screen will open and it has
protection at the top and the message Code 34 will pop up. Then right
behind that the message" The system cannot find the file W000F174.dll
because it cannot be found." If the system sits for a long time another
screen will pop up that system restore is infected and to disable it
and use disk clean up to And thats what i am trying to get rid of.

My family was down for the holidays and some of the teenagers were on
my computer doing whatever. All i know is that when they left my
computer was messing up like this.

Sounds like there is malware on the system. That message popping up on the
taskbar is an indication. Don't worry about system restore. Malware in a
System Restore point can't hurt unless you restore to that point, and you
don't want to do that at this stage anyway. Go through all the malware
removal steps in the first link I gave. After the system is clean, then you
can deal with the malware in a system restore point. Turn off system
restore and reboot. That will remove all restore points. Then turn on
system restore and create a restore point. Don't do this until the system
has been cleaned because if something goes wrong during the cleaning process
you want the old restore points to fall back on if needed.

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