Clearing out the search bar?



I couldn't find an IE6.0 specific news group so i am postin g my question
here. I need to know how to clear out the "search bar" auto fill in. In
other words any time you are on yahoo or google or msn and you start to type
in the search bar it will auto fill in everything that starts with that
letter. is there any way to delete all of these and how? where is this info
stored? Thanks, Chris

David Candy

Auto Complete
Key Description
Alt + Down Arrows (or double click) Opens the drop down list
Down Arrow Cycles from most recent to least recent Auto Complete suggestions. Will match suggestions that start with the characters to the left of the cursor. Only letters are able to be used for partial matches.
Up Arrow Cycles from least recent to most recent Auto Complete suggestions. Will match suggestions that start with the characters to the left of the cursor. Only letters are able to be used for partial matches. If no letters are entered then the Up Arrow is only valid after the Down Arrow has been used.
Right Arrow Goes to the end of the suggestion. Type or press up or down arrow to cycle through suggestions which begin with the characters to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow Moves cursor a word at a time, slashes and dots are considered word separators.
Ctrl + Enter Adds http://www. before the typed word and .com after it in the address bar.
Delete in the drop down list Deletes the highlighted suggestion for forms and passwords only.

Filling in Profile Information at Start - Control Panel - Internet Options - Content tab - Profile allows Auto Complete to auto suggest your personal information for forms, such as name, E-Mail address, or Web address.

Auto Complete options are set at Start - Control Panel - Internet Options - Content tab - Auto Complete.You can also clear all items here as well.

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