Clearing your auto complete in File search



I wanted to know how can I clear my auto complete when you go to File/Search
for Files and folders. When I begin to type any words to search for in In
the field "Search for Files or folders Name" it will try to autocomplete the
name for me from previous searches I have done. How can I clear the
previous searches and how can I disable this feature?


KeenaG said:
I wanted to know how can I clear my auto complete when you go to
for Files and folders. When I begin to type any words to search for in In
the field "Search for Files or folders Name" it will try to autocomplete
name for me from previous searches I have done. How can I clear the
previous searches and how can I disable this feature?

Read here:;EN-US;Q217148&

Alternatively, you could clear your Hostory too while in Internet Options.

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