Check Disk



XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?

Wesley Vogel

Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the volume for
errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file system may be
in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because the volume is
online and has outstanding changes, because changes were made to the volume
and the computer shutdown before the changes were committed to disk, or
because corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when
the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to scan
all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is
set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f
verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.


The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the volume for
errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file system may be
in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because the volume is
online and has outstanding changes, because changes were made to the volume
and the computer shutdown before the changes were committed to disk, or
because corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when
the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to scan
all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is
set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f
verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?


Wesley Vogel


I don't beieve it will be a problem. And you can always run ChkDisk

Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive | Properties | Tools tab
| Check both boxes |OK your way out.
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.

If your worried, download the Enable Check Disk Upon Boot and keep it in
reserve. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

jp said:
The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the
volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file
system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set
because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because
changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before the
changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was detected
on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer restarts,
chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to
scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the
dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that
volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix
any problems with the volume.]]

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?



I downloaded and installed the 'disable check disk' reg
update. The harddrive is no longer checked at each
start. But, it didn't solve my problem. The dirty bit
is still set (even though chkdsk can't find any problem)
and I can't defrag the drive.
I am still looking for the way to reset the dirty flag.

thanks, jp

-----Original Message-----

I don't beieve it will be a problem. And you can always run ChkDisk

Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive | Properties | Tools tab
| Check both boxes |OK your way out.
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.

If your worried, download the Enable Check Disk Upon Boot and keep it in
reserve. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the
volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file
system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set
because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because
changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before the
changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was detected
on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer restarts,
chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to
scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the
dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that
volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix
any problems with the volume.]]

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?



Wesley Vogel


Run Error Checking.

Open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
Right click your hard drive | Properties.
On the Tools tab, under Error-checking, click Check Now.
Under Check disk options |
Check both.
Automatically fix file system errors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is
currently in use, a message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking
for the next time you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to
run other tasks while the disk is being checked.]]
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information. All files
must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is currently in use, a
message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time
you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks
while the disk is being checked.
If you select this option, you do not need to select Automatically fix file
system errors. Windows fixes any errors on the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the log.
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001

That should reset the dirty bit.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

jp said:
I downloaded and installed the 'disable check disk' reg
update. The harddrive is no longer checked at each
start. But, it didn't solve my problem. The dirty bit
is still set (even though chkdsk can't find any problem)
and I can't defrag the drive.
I am still looking for the way to reset the dirty flag.

thanks, jp

-----Original Message-----

I don't beieve it will be a problem. And you can always run ChkDisk

Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive | Properties | Tools tab
Check both boxes |OK your way out.
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.

If your worried, download the Enable Check Disk Upon Boot and keep
it in reserve. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the
volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file
system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set
because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because
changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before
the changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was
detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer
restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel
to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the
dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that
volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to
fix any problems with the volume.]]

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?




I've run the error checking you described for that
partition in the past, it found no problems, but still
required chkdsk on that partition on each reboot.

I ran the 'Enable Check Disk Upon Boot' to re-enable auto
checking, then selected to check the partition in
question on reboot, chkdsk went through 5 phases finding
nothing, but when windows started a 'Windows File
Protection' box poped up stating it must check that all
protected windows files are intact and in their original
versions, it then asked for the XP Pro Service Pack 2 CD,
I inserted the XP Pro cd (obviously not SP2), it copied
files, and the Windows File Protection box disappeared.

On each reboot, there is no chkdsk required any more, but
the Windows File Protection box comes up each time,
copies files from the CD, and goes away???

-----Original Message-----

Run Error Checking.

Open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
Right click your hard drive | Properties.
On the Tools tab, under Error-checking, click Check Now.
Under Check disk options |
Check both.
Automatically fix file system errors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is
currently in use, a message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking
for the next time you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to
run other tasks while the disk is being checked.]]
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information. All files
must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is currently in use, a
message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time
you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks
while the disk is being checked.
If you select this option, you do not need to select Automatically fix file
system errors. Windows fixes any errors on the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the log.
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001

That should reset the dirty bit.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I downloaded and installed the 'disable check disk' reg
update. The harddrive is no longer checked at each
start. But, it didn't solve my problem. The dirty bit
is still set (even though chkdsk can't find any problem)
and I can't defrag the drive.
I am still looking for the way to reset the dirty flag.

thanks, jp

-----Original Message-----

I don't beieve it will be a problem. And you can always run ChkDisk

Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive | Properties | Tools tab
Check both boxes |OK your way out.
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.

If your worried, download the Enable Check Disk Upon Boot and keep
it in reserve. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the
volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file
system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set
because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because
changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before
the changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was
detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer
restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel
to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the
dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that
volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to
fix any problems with the volume.]]

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?





I booted off of the XP cd, did a repair install, and on
each boot the same Windows File Protection box comes up
and asks for the cd to get the required files for the

-----Original Message-----

Run Error Checking.

Open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
Right click your hard drive | Properties.
On the Tools tab, under Error-checking, click Check Now.
Under Check disk options |
Check both.
Automatically fix file system errors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is
currently in use, a message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking
for the next time you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to
run other tasks while the disk is being checked.]]
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information. All files
must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is currently in use, a
message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time
you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks
while the disk is being checked.
If you select this option, you do not need to select Automatically fix file
system errors. Windows fixes any errors on the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the log.
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001

That should reset the dirty bit.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I downloaded and installed the 'disable check disk' reg
update. The harddrive is no longer checked at each
start. But, it didn't solve my problem. The dirty bit
is still set (even though chkdsk can't find any problem)
and I can't defrag the drive.
I am still looking for the way to reset the dirty flag.

thanks, jp

-----Original Message-----

I don't beieve it will be a problem. And you can always run ChkDisk

Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive | Properties | Tools tab
Check both boxes |OK your way out.
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.

If your worried, download the Enable Check Disk Upon Boot and keep
it in reserve. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the
volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file
system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set
because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because
changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before
the changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was
detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer
restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel
to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the
dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that
volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to
fix any problems with the volume.]]

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?




Wesley Vogel


This key is part of disablecheckdisk.reg & enablecheckdisk.reg that you

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
The settings for the SfcScan value are:
• 0x0 = do not scan protected files after restart. (Default value)
• 0x1 = scan all protected files after every restart (set if sfc /scanboot
is run).
• 0x2 = scan all protected files one time after a restart (set if sfc
/scanonce is run).

Sfc /Scanboot: Scans all protected system files every time you start your
computer. This command may require access to the Windows installation source
files every time you start your computer. The SfcScan DWORD value is set to
1 in the following registry key when you run this command:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

/Scanonce: Scans all protected system files one time when you restart your
computer. This command may require access to the Windows installation source
files when you restart the computer. The SfcScan DWORD value is set to 2 in
the following registry key when you run this command:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Sfc /Revert: Returns scan to the default setting (do not scan protected
files when you start the computer).The default cache size is not reset when
you run this command.

As an experiment, yesterday I set the dirty bit with fsutil dirty set.
There is *no* way to unset this except to run chkdsk. I opened Disk
Defragmenter and clicked the Analize button and a message came up stating
that I had to run chkdsk /F. So I set Error Checking to run and rebooted.
After it chkdsk ran, fsutil dirty query C: came back with Volume C: is not

This should set SFCScan to the default setting (do not scan protected
files when you start the computer):
Start | Run | Type or paste: sfc /revert | OK
Reboot and see if WFP comes up.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

jp said:
I booted off of the XP cd, did a repair install, and on
each boot the same Windows File Protection box comes up
and asks for the cd to get the required files for the

-----Original Message-----

Run Error Checking.

Open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
Right click your hard drive | Properties.
On the Tools tab, under Error-checking, click Check Now.
Under Check disk options |
Check both.
Automatically fix file system errors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during
disk checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If
the drive is currently in use, a message asks if you want to
reschedule the disk checking for the next time you restart your
computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks while the
disk is being checked.]]
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during
disk checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable
information. All files must be closed for this program to run. If
the drive is currently in use, a message asks if you want to
reschedule the disk checking for the next time you restart your
computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks while the
disk is being checked.
If you select this option, you do not need to select Automatically
fix file system errors. Windows fixes any errors on the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the log.
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001

That should reset the dirty bit.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I downloaded and installed the 'disable check disk' reg
update. The harddrive is no longer checked at each
start. But, it didn't solve my problem. The dirty bit
is still set (even though chkdsk can't find any problem)
and I can't defrag the drive.
I am still looking for the way to reset the dirty flag.

thanks, jp

-----Original Message-----

I don't beieve it will be a problem. And you can always run
ChkDisk manually.

Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive |
Properties | Tools tab
Check both boxes |OK your way out.
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.

If your worried, download the Enable Check Disk Upon Boot and keep
it in reserve. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and
The dirty bit is set and isn't unset after a chkdsk is
run that finds no errors. If I use the 'disable check
disk' that you recommended, will chkdsk be indefinately
disabled (it will never check for a dirty bit set)?

-----Original Message-----
Check Disk runs on every boot

Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows
XP Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:

Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.

This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the
volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |

Type: fsutil dirty query C:


This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file
system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set
because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because
changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before
the changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was
detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer
restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.

Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel
to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If
the dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on
that volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and
attempts to fix any problems with the volume.]]

If this is not the problem.....

Go here:

Read the instructions at the top of the page.
Scroll down to:
82. Disable or Enable Check Disk Upon Boot
Click on Disable.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In jp <[email protected]> hunted and
XP Pro.
I can not defrag a partition because it is constantly
marked as having errors requiring check disk to be run.
Each time I boot, it runs check disk on that partition
and finds no errors.
How do I reset the checkdisk flag?




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