Charts moving unexpectly when printing in Excel 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDraffko
  • Start date Start date


Sorry if this was already posted, but I am attempting to overlay a chart
made in Excel 2003 over a picture that has a chart on it to show the
difference in real and simulated tests. I realize I could also make a new
chart of the data in the picture.
The issue I am having is when I attempt to print a page that I have done
this on (or go into print preview,) the chart made in excel moves several
pixels to the right and up, and it changes the scale of the graph. A chart
made on another computer moved differently, it moved to the left and scaled
it down a little. I tried to change the properties of the chart so it
wouldn't move or size with the cells, but thatdoes not stop the charts from
The charts are not actually changing their location or scale in the
worksheet, it only shows it when I try to print and it does print with the
different location and scale. I would like these sheets to be seen on a
computer as well as printed, so moving the charts so when printing they move
to the rght spot is not an option.
I was wondering if there is a fix to this issue or if this is a bug that
has not/cannot be fixed at this time.

Sorry if this was already posted, but I am attempting to overlay a chart
made in Excel 2003 over a picture that has a chart on it to show the
difference in real and simulated tests. I realize I could also make a new
chart of the data in the picture.
The issue I am having is when I attempt to print a page that I have done
this on (or go into print preview,) the chart made in excel moves several
pixels to the right and up, and it changes the scale of the graph.

How are you overlaying? Have you tried making the picture into a
background on the chart area itself? (Click on the chart area, and
select Patterns.. Fill Effects.. Picture)

I have had good results overlaying bubble chart data on a map this way.
I was just pasting the picture into excel and creating a chart over it, which
saved the need to create a picture (I need to make about 400 of these
charts.) From trying what you did however, it seemed to work without the
moving issues.