change display name with script?




I need to change the displayname on about 2000 users in a AD, the script
need to take the existing "display name" and and - XXX to the display name.

Anyone have an example or tips how to make a script to do this change with a

Best regards & Thanks in advance

Jerold Schulman


I need to change the displayname on about 2000 users in a AD, the script
need to take the existing "display name" and and - XXX to the display name.

Anyone have an example or tips how to make a script to do this change with a

Best regards & Thanks in advance
See tip 5898 » Freeware ADFind.
in the 'Tips & Tricks' at
See tip 8233 » AdMod freeware.

@echo off
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=;" %%a in ('adfind -default -nodn -csv -csvdelim ";" -nocsvheader -f "&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)" distinguishedName displayName') do (
call :doit %%a %%b >nul 2>&1
goto :EOF
if %2 EQU "" goto :EOF
set displayName=%2
set displayName=%displayName:"=%-XXX
Admod -b %1 "displayName::%displayName%"

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

Joe Richards [MVP]

I have built this type of functionality into ADMOD now... So you can
actually do this just by piping the data from AdFind and into AdMod and
tell AdMod how to do the manipulation...

something like (all one line)

adfind -default -adcsv -f "&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)"
displayName | admod "displayname::{{.}}-XXX" -unsafe


Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Jerold Schulman

I have built this type of functionality into ADMOD now... So you can
actually do this just by piping the data from AdFind and into AdMod and
tell AdMod how to do the manipulation...

something like (all one line)

adfind -default -adcsv -f "&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)"
displayName | admod "displayname::{{.}}-XXX" -unsafe


Thank you.

Something is not right:

adfind -default -adcsv -f "&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=test)" displayName | admod "displayname::{{.}}-XXX" -unsafe

AdMod V01.07.00cpp Joe Richards ([email protected]) October 2006

DN Count: 1
Using server: jsi001.JSIINC.COM:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003

Modifying specified objects...
DN: CN=test,CN=Users,DC=JSIINC,DC=COM...

ERROR: Attribute (.) is not listed in the CSV input
ERROR: Terminating.

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

Jerold Schulman


I need to change the displayname on about 2000 users in a AD, the script
need to take the existing "display name" and and - XXX to the display name.

Anyone have an example or tips how to make a script to do this change with a

Best regards & Thanks in advance

Oops. My fault.
It works just fine if you download the current versions.

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

Joe Richards [MVP]

Ah, you need to upgrade your version of AdMod. After 1.07.00 I got sick
of typing displayname::{{displayname}} so figured a shortcut for that
would work great and it has been very well received so if you do
displayname::{{.}} it knows to look at the attribute being set and
insert that. Cuts down on typing for those with carpal tunnel. :)

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ken Aldrich


With DSRAZOR for Windows you can do this without any scripting. There are
several different ways to use DSRAZOR to make the change on your 2000 uers.
The method you choose would be based on whether or not that value you're
appending would be unique to each user or common to many users.

Check it out at
for a free, personalized, one-on-one demonstration of how we can make this
an easy project for you.

Joe Richards [MVP]

Wow how about posting something that isn't an Ad?

There has already been a response posted that didn't require scripting
nor paying for a tool.

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Joe Richards said:
Wow how about posting something that isn't an Ad?

There has already been a response posted that didn't require scripting
nor paying for a tool.

You know how it is. Many vendors will try to post their resolutions that
require a purchase where others will post their tools for the taking, or the
built-in tools will do the trick. I know some of them do much more, but not
many are looking for all the extras.


Ken Aldrich

Joe and other MVPs,

The last thing I want to do is get into an argument with you over usenet. I
respect you, your advice, your books, everything. Not just you, the other
MVP's that frequent these areas as well. Without your help this would not
be the same place.

I want to point out that I am not some sales guy indiscriminately posting
around newsgroups. I am providing very specific advice to help people
resolve their problems. I also do help out, make posts, and provide
solutions that do not involve the products offered by the company I work
for. I am genuinely trying to be helpful.

Some people prefer non-scripted, non command-line, easy to use, fully
supported solutions. And they do come here looking for them. Just because
you suggest a free tool does not mean it is the best tool or the tool the
requester would like to use. Many people will agree that free is not always
the best in a given situation.

Also, I would say there is a fine line between the solutions I post versus
the solutions you post. Many MVPs have links to their websites or blogs or
links to buy books written by them in their signatures or posts. You use
this as a venue to promote yourself as knowledgable and hope to build a
reputation and sell your books, drive people to your site to seek written
faqs or software solutions. While it may be "free", you're also showing off
advertisements for anything from frisbees to software. I'm not complaining,
but I think that there is not a huge difference. And its not the seekers of
help that are complaining, its you guys that somehow feel bothered by it.

I will tell you that many people genuinely appreciate my posts and are
thankful for the solutions. I regularly talk to people that thank me for
posting a solution. They like the ease of use and the fact that it is
supported. Of the solutions offered, free or not, sometimes we are the one
chosen and the best fit for that particular person requesting help. That
makes me feel like I have contributed to the community here.

I hope you guys can see my point. I'm not just spamming or blatently
forcing people to read "ads" as you call it. I put thought into my posts
making sure they are appropriate and useful. And I do not see a huge
difference between me linking to a commercial website and offering to hold
someone's hand through a problem versus your linking to your own website
which has offers things for sale.

I do not want to get into a nasty back and forth argument. This really
isn't the venue and I hope you see my post in a good light. As I said, I
really respect you guys, and I hope you realize the help I have been
offering has been well received by people looking for it.

Ken Aldrich
DSRAZOR for Windows
Visual Click Software, Inc.

Joe Richards [MVP]

It would be good to see posts from you that didn't say, go look into
buying DRAZOR, it will do what you need. Put it in your signature if you
like. Those of us MVPs who have items in our signatures or stuff on our
websites aren't usually making profit on them with a couple of
exceptions, usually it is barely enough to cover the stuff we publish
for folks. My book was a huge loss financially for me, if anyone made
money it was O'Reilly. I worked on that book mostly because I wanted to
help folks and there were a lot of issues in the book that needed
correcting. Ditto for spending any time in the newsgroups, lots of bad
advice out here with folks thinking the only solution is something that
they have to pay for or worse being told things that are absolutely
incorrect. My joewear stuff and Amazon ads just pay for the hosting. I
make far more money consulting for companies and going in and getting
paid, everything else doesn't even ad up to poverty level income.

That being said, I will still come out here and help because, as I
mentioned, I don't do it to make money. I also don't do it for the
reputation, I don't need it, I am well known in the fortune 25 companies
and govermment/militaries for the work I have done for them. I do all of
this to help people get past issues that are causing them problems,
stave off bad info that is put out by alleged experts, and actually to
learn more about the kinds of issues people have to come up with more
solutions for them.

I have a set of solutions that I will be selling going up onto a new
website at some point in the hopefully near future and I fully intend to
recommend those as well when they make sense but they won't be the only
posts I put out in the newsgroups, they will be a slight sprinkling of
all of the posts I write.

I don't think you are a bad person, but it is extremely annoying to see
a name over and over again and the only response it ever has is hocking
of their product. Respond with some posts on how to do things without
your product, etc. Become a productive member of the community. You are
correct in that there are no rules of conduct out here. However, most of
us would like to see it as a place of answers and not a place of
advertisements. Sure advertise, I have no problem with that, but do more
than that. Better than that, if you want, contact me off line (use the
(e-mail address removed) and put [MVP] in the subject or [DRAZOR] if you want)
and I can talk to you about getting your product into the hands of DS
MVPs who can play with it and then if they like it point it out to folks
as a possible solution along with others. I personally likely don't
have time to play with it but there are many DS MVPs that likely would.
Then you don't have to be the sole advertiser and it will give you time
to post other types of responses.


Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ken Aldrich

From what I gather your objection is not that I am promoting a solution that
I am associated with. You yourself are pretty much doing that now and you
admit that you will soon be offering a solution that costs money and you
intent to post here and link people to that solution.

Your objection is your posts tend to cover a wider range of topics than what
you support directly on your website and my posts that you happen to read
are more focused.

I will say that I do contribute to more than one online community and often
make posts that do not link the product I support. Many of those are web
forums. There are so many newsgroup postings here I try to stay focused on
what I know best so I can provide more help with the limited time I have
available to post helpful replies.

As for you being annoyed about seeing my name over and over "hocking" my
product. I will argue that I make about 10 posts a month. I would say that
you link to your website far more often than that (in a week? A day?). And I
would say that your signature prominently promotes your book and if someone
buys that book from your website link (as opposed to a link to Amazon
directly) you get some proceeds. Let alone the other things you sell on
your website. Whether you're being successful and making a profit or not on
those sales is not even an argument.

My other point is it's not people seeking help that are complaining it's you
and a few other MVPs that operate in the same manner as you. I've never
heard a post from someone seeking help saying "Wow, post something other
than an ad". I get quite the opposite feedback. If someone has posted a
free solution and I post a solution merely offering that someone take a look
at our website because we can fix their problem you get upset. It is a
misconception that people only want free tools. The reality is that many
people find them cryptic, tedious, hard to use, limited, and without
support. These tools can cause a lot of frustration and that's why some
people come looking for help. It can bring someone a lot of security to
know that someone who knows what they are doing is willing to help them
through an audit, a project, or a problem. When the stress of an audit
comes looming, managers really like the security blanket offered by a third
party company that can meet their needs in a customized way. They like the
ability to call a company and say I need a report that shows this, this,
this, and this and we send them an email back with the solutions. Sometimes
in 15 minutes.

I'm not following your posts and saying, "that MS tool or script you just
suggested has many limitations and is hard to use, you should use DSRAZOR
because that's the only way you're going to solve your problem." Of course
not, people should review all of their options and find the best solution
that meets their needs, free or not. The feedback I get. when I talk to
people I have met on usenet, is that they appreciate the help and were glad
we met because I've made their lives easier, made them look good with their
boss, saved them a lot of time, and helped them learn. These all validate
that I am contributing to the community.

As for getting our product in the hands of MVP's. anyone can come to the
website and download the full version of the product. It will return very
limited results but you can see what it's about. We can also grant 7 day
evaluation tokens. I suspect that some MVP's have already played with
DSRAZOR. Our name is out there, we've been to tradeshows, have been
featured in magazines like Windows IT Pro, have full page ads in Technet
Magazine, and Windows IT Pro Magazine, etc. The company itself has been
supporting Directory Services since 1999 and is very well known in the
NetWare circles. If any MVP's want to come check it out please do. Check
out our website or give us a call. Ask for me and I would be happy to walk
any of you through the product and show you what we can do and what we
cannot do.

We in no way want to diminish the efforts of you guys. As an administrator
in the past I have used websites, postings, books, etc posted by several of
you and have found them very valuable. Of course I dig O'Reilly books,
AdFind, JSI FAQ, and the other resources I've used and I support you guys
and your efforts. But I don't think it's very nice to reply to posts I've
made; complaining about them and diminishing the help I am trying to offer.
I don't think it serves anyone.

Happy New Year!

Ken Aldrich
DSRAZOR for Windows
Visual Click Software, Inc.

Joe Richards said:
It would be good to see posts from you that didn't say, go look into
buying DRAZOR, it will do what you need. Put it in your signature if you
like. Those of us MVPs who have items in our signatures or stuff on our
websites aren't usually making profit on them with a couple of exceptions,
usually it is barely enough to cover the stuff we publish for folks. My
book was a huge loss financially for me, if anyone made money it was
O'Reilly. I worked on that book mostly because I wanted to help folks and
there were a lot of issues in the book that needed correcting. Ditto for
spending any time in the newsgroups, lots of bad advice out here with
folks thinking the only solution is something that they have to pay for or
worse being told things that are absolutely incorrect. My joewear stuff
and Amazon ads just pay for the hosting. I make far more money consulting
for companies and going in and getting paid, everything else doesn't even
ad up to poverty level income.

That being said, I will still come out here and help because, as I
mentioned, I don't do it to make money. I also don't do it for the
reputation, I don't need it, I am well known in the fortune 25 companies
and govermment/militaries for the work I have done for them. I do all of
this to help people get past issues that are causing them problems, stave
off bad info that is put out by alleged experts, and actually to learn
more about the kinds of issues people have to come up with more solutions
for them.

I have a set of solutions that I will be selling going up onto a new
website at some point in the hopefully near future and I fully intend to
recommend those as well when they make sense but they won't be the only
posts I put out in the newsgroups, they will be a slight sprinkling of all
of the posts I write.

I don't think you are a bad person, but it is extremely annoying to see a
name over and over again and the only response it ever has is hocking of
their product. Respond with some posts on how to do things without your
product, etc. Become a productive member of the community. You are correct
in that there are no rules of conduct out here. However, most of us would
like to see it as a place of answers and not a place of advertisements.
Sure advertise, I have no problem with that, but do more than that. Better
than that, if you want, contact me off line (use the (e-mail address removed) and
put [MVP] in the subject or [DRAZOR] if you want) and I can talk to you
about getting your product into the hands of DS MVPs who can play with it
and then if they like it point it out to folks as a possible solution
along with others. I personally likely don't have time to play with it but
there are many DS MVPs that likely would. Then you don't have to be the
sole advertiser and it will give you time to post other types of


Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ken said:
Joe and other MVPs,

The last thing I want to do is get into an argument with you over usenet.
I respect you, your advice, your books, everything. Not just you, the
other MVP's that frequent these areas as well. Without your help this
would not be the same place.

I want to point out that I am not some sales guy indiscriminately posting
around newsgroups. I am providing very specific advice to help people
resolve their problems. I also do help out, make posts, and provide
solutions that do not involve the products offered by the company I work
for. I am genuinely trying to be helpful.

Some people prefer non-scripted, non command-line, easy to use, fully
supported solutions. And they do come here looking for them. Just
because you suggest a free tool does not mean it is the best tool or the
tool the requester would like to use. Many people will agree that free
is not always the best in a given situation.

Also, I would say there is a fine line between the solutions I post
versus the solutions you post. Many MVPs have links to their websites or
blogs or links to buy books written by them in their signatures or posts.
You use this as a venue to promote yourself as knowledgable and hope to
build a reputation and sell your books, drive people to your site to seek
written faqs or software solutions. While it may be "free", you're also
showing off advertisements for anything from frisbees to software. I'm
not complaining, but I think that there is not a huge difference. And
its not the seekers of help that are complaining, its you guys that
somehow feel bothered by it.

I will tell you that many people genuinely appreciate my posts and are
thankful for the solutions. I regularly talk to people that thank me for
posting a solution. They like the ease of use and the fact that it is
supported. Of the solutions offered, free or not, sometimes we are the
one chosen and the best fit for that particular person requesting help.
That makes me feel like I have contributed to the community here.

I hope you guys can see my point. I'm not just spamming or blatently
forcing people to read "ads" as you call it. I put thought into my posts
making sure they are appropriate and useful. And I do not see a huge
difference between me linking to a commercial website and offering to
hold someone's hand through a problem versus your linking to your own
website which has offers things for sale.

I do not want to get into a nasty back and forth argument. This really
isn't the venue and I hope you see my post in a good light. As I said, I
really respect you guys, and I hope you realize the help I have been
offering has been well received by people looking for it.

Paul Bergson [MVP-DS]

I have never seen Joe get up and start pushing his book, not even in a soft
sell approach. Not meaning to down play any of the other folks in here
(There are some HUGE brains in here) but I would put Joe at the top of the
list in both AD compentancy and help. His mention of the book he wrote, in
his signature, (In my opinion) provides the reader with a high level of
confidence in his answer. I don't see it as pushing the book, but providing

On the other hand, when I read your answer I too was annoyed by the wording.
It was your choice but I immediately just clicked by your answer. Folks
that come in here rarely are looking for a product they are looking for a
skill set.

Paul Bergson
MVP - Directory Services
MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT

Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Ken Aldrich said:
From what I gather your objection is not that I am promoting a solution
that I am associated with. You yourself are pretty much doing that now
and you admit that you will soon be offering a solution that costs money
and you intent to post here and link people to that solution.

Your objection is your posts tend to cover a wider range of topics than
what you support directly on your website and my posts that you happen to
read are more focused.

I will say that I do contribute to more than one online community and
often make posts that do not link the product I support. Many of those
are web forums. There are so many newsgroup postings here I try to stay
focused on what I know best so I can provide more help with the limited
time I have available to post helpful replies.

As for you being annoyed about seeing my name over and over "hocking" my
product. I will argue that I make about 10 posts a month. I would say
that you link to your website far more often than that (in a week? A
day?). And I would say that your signature prominently promotes your book
and if someone buys that book from your website link (as opposed to a link
to Amazon directly) you get some proceeds. Let alone the other things you
sell on your website. Whether you're being successful and making a profit
or not on those sales is not even an argument.

My other point is it's not people seeking help that are complaining it's
you and a few other MVPs that operate in the same manner as you. I've
never heard a post from someone seeking help saying "Wow, post something
other than an ad". I get quite the opposite feedback. If someone has
posted a free solution and I post a solution merely offering that someone
take a look at our website because we can fix their problem you get upset.
It is a misconception that people only want free tools. The reality is
that many people find them cryptic, tedious, hard to use, limited, and
without support. These tools can cause a lot of frustration and that's
why some people come looking for help. It can bring someone a lot of
security to know that someone who knows what they are doing is willing to
help them through an audit, a project, or a problem. When the stress of
an audit comes looming, managers really like the security blanket offered
by a third party company that can meet their needs in a customized way.
They like the ability to call a company and say I need a report that shows
this, this, this, and this and we send them an email back with the
solutions. Sometimes in 15 minutes.

I'm not following your posts and saying, "that MS tool or script you just
suggested has many limitations and is hard to use, you should use DSRAZOR
because that's the only way you're going to solve your problem." Of
course not, people should review all of their options and find the best
solution that meets their needs, free or not. The feedback I get. when I
talk to people I have met on usenet, is that they appreciate the help and
were glad we met because I've made their lives easier, made them look good
with their boss, saved them a lot of time, and helped them learn. These
all validate that I am contributing to the community.

As for getting our product in the hands of MVP's. anyone can come to the
website and download the full version of the product. It will return very
limited results but you can see what it's about. We can also grant 7 day
evaluation tokens. I suspect that some MVP's have already played with
DSRAZOR. Our name is out there, we've been to tradeshows, have been
featured in magazines like Windows IT Pro, have full page ads in Technet
Magazine, and Windows IT Pro Magazine, etc. The company itself has been
supporting Directory Services since 1999 and is very well known in the
NetWare circles. If any MVP's want to come check it out please do. Check
out our website or give us a call. Ask for me and I would be happy to
walk any of you through the product and show you what we can do and what
we cannot do.

We in no way want to diminish the efforts of you guys. As an
administrator in the past I have used websites, postings, books, etc
posted by several of you and have found them very valuable. Of course I
dig O'Reilly books, AdFind, JSI FAQ, and the other resources I've used and
I support you guys and your efforts. But I don't think it's very nice to
reply to posts I've made; complaining about them and diminishing the help
I am trying to offer. I don't think it serves anyone.

Happy New Year!

Ken Aldrich
DSRAZOR for Windows
Visual Click Software, Inc.

Joe Richards said:
It would be good to see posts from you that didn't say, go look into
buying DRAZOR, it will do what you need. Put it in your signature if you
like. Those of us MVPs who have items in our signatures or stuff on our
websites aren't usually making profit on them with a couple of
exceptions, usually it is barely enough to cover the stuff we publish for
folks. My book was a huge loss financially for me, if anyone made money
it was O'Reilly. I worked on that book mostly because I wanted to help
folks and there were a lot of issues in the book that needed correcting.
Ditto for spending any time in the newsgroups, lots of bad advice out
here with folks thinking the only solution is something that they have to
pay for or worse being told things that are absolutely incorrect. My
joewear stuff and Amazon ads just pay for the hosting. I make far more
money consulting for companies and going in and getting paid, everything
else doesn't even ad up to poverty level income.

That being said, I will still come out here and help because, as I
mentioned, I don't do it to make money. I also don't do it for the
reputation, I don't need it, I am well known in the fortune 25 companies
and govermment/militaries for the work I have done for them. I do all of
this to help people get past issues that are causing them problems, stave
off bad info that is put out by alleged experts, and actually to learn
more about the kinds of issues people have to come up with more solutions
for them.

I have a set of solutions that I will be selling going up onto a new
website at some point in the hopefully near future and I fully intend to
recommend those as well when they make sense but they won't be the only
posts I put out in the newsgroups, they will be a slight sprinkling of
all of the posts I write.

I don't think you are a bad person, but it is extremely annoying to see a
name over and over again and the only response it ever has is hocking of
their product. Respond with some posts on how to do things without your
product, etc. Become a productive member of the community. You are
correct in that there are no rules of conduct out here. However, most of
us would like to see it as a place of answers and not a place of
advertisements. Sure advertise, I have no problem with that, but do more
than that. Better than that, if you want, contact me off line (use the
(e-mail address removed) and put [MVP] in the subject or [DRAZOR] if you want) and
I can talk to you about getting your product into the hands of DS MVPs
who can play with it and then if they like it point it out to folks as a
possible solution along with others. I personally likely don't have time
to play with it but there are many DS MVPs that likely would. Then you
don't have to be the sole advertiser and it will give you time to post
other types of responses.


Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ken said:
Joe and other MVPs,

The last thing I want to do is get into an argument with you over
usenet. I respect you, your advice, your books, everything. Not just
you, the other MVP's that frequent these areas as well. Without your
help this would not be the same place.

I want to point out that I am not some sales guy indiscriminately
posting around newsgroups. I am providing very specific advice to help
people resolve their problems. I also do help out, make posts, and
provide solutions that do not involve the products offered by the
company I work for. I am genuinely trying to be helpful.

Some people prefer non-scripted, non command-line, easy to use, fully
supported solutions. And they do come here looking for them. Just
because you suggest a free tool does not mean it is the best tool or the
tool the requester would like to use. Many people will agree that free
is not always the best in a given situation.

Also, I would say there is a fine line between the solutions I post
versus the solutions you post. Many MVPs have links to their websites
or blogs or links to buy books written by them in their signatures or
posts. You use this as a venue to promote yourself as knowledgable and
hope to build a reputation and sell your books, drive people to your
site to seek written faqs or software solutions. While it may be
"free", you're also showing off advertisements for anything from
frisbees to software. I'm not complaining, but I think that there is
not a huge difference. And its not the seekers of help that are
complaining, its you guys that somehow feel bothered by it.

I will tell you that many people genuinely appreciate my posts and are
thankful for the solutions. I regularly talk to people that thank me
for posting a solution. They like the ease of use and the fact that it
is supported. Of the solutions offered, free or not, sometimes we are
the one chosen and the best fit for that particular person requesting
help. That makes me feel like I have contributed to the community here.

I hope you guys can see my point. I'm not just spamming or blatently
forcing people to read "ads" as you call it. I put thought into my
posts making sure they are appropriate and useful. And I do not see a
huge difference between me linking to a commercial website and offering
to hold someone's hand through a problem versus your linking to your own
website which has offers things for sale.

I do not want to get into a nasty back and forth argument. This really
isn't the venue and I hope you see my post in a good light. As I said,
I really respect you guys, and I hope you realize the help I have been
offering has been well received by people looking for it.

Ken Aldrich

I'm not sure if you read the first paragraph of the post you replied to or
not. The focus isn't really on whether or not Joe is "pushing" a book. I
really don't like talk about him in the third person like this and I hope he
doesn't find that irritating.
However, he did say that he intends to sell products online and refer to
those products in specific situations where it would help people solve their
problems in this forum. Given that, I do not understand the point of your
first paragraph. I think we've agreed that isn't what he finds
"annoying"... he accepts that.

You, on the other hand were "annoyed by the wording" in my post and chose to
move on, as opposed to replying in a way that diminished the help I was
trying to offer. For that I am appreciative... thats really all I could

What I have a hard time swallowing is that its the MVPs that are annoyed...
not the people that are asking for and getting the help. Sure, some people
might prefer a free solution, in that case they can simply ignore my post.
Also, I certainly never reply to a post where the person asking for help
explicitely says they want a free solution, or a solution only involving
native tools, or whatever constraints that some people occassionally post.
I certainly respect those wishes. I'm not forcing advertising on anyone...
just trying to offer a solution... and as I said, I get positive feedback
from those we do end up helping. For that, I disagree with your assessment
that people coming here are "rarely looking for a product, they are looking
for a skill set". I think many times they're looking for either one, or a
combination of the two, that will best meet their needs. As I said before,
the proof is in the fact that we've made some people from these forums very
happy. Sometimes our solution is the one chosen and they were grateful for
the helping hand.
Whether you agree or not, all I ask is that when I'm trying to help someone
with a problem I don't see a followup post from someone else dimishing the
effort. It doesn't really serve the community.
Thanks for reading... I hope this exchange isn't getting too rediculous. I
really do respect each of you, your efforts, and as you said, the HUGE
brains invovled here.

Ken Aldrich
DSRAZOR for Windows
Visual Click Software, Inc.

Paul Bergson said:
I have never seen Joe get up and start pushing his book, not even in a soft
sell approach. Not meaning to down play any of the other folks in here
(There are some HUGE brains in here) but I would put Joe at the top of the
list in both AD compentancy and help. His mention of the book he wrote, in
his signature, (In my opinion) provides the reader with a high level of
confidence in his answer. I don't see it as pushing the book, but
providing assurance.

On the other hand, when I read your answer I too was annoyed by the
wording. It was your choice but I immediately just clicked by your answer.
Folks that come in here rarely are looking for a product they are looking
for a skill set.

Paul Bergson
MVP - Directory Services
MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT

Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Ken Aldrich said:
From what I gather your objection is not that I am promoting a solution
that I am associated with. You yourself are pretty much doing that now
and you admit that you will soon be offering a solution that costs money
and you intent to post here and link people to that solution.

Your objection is your posts tend to cover a wider range of topics than
what you support directly on your website and my posts that you happen to
read are more focused.

I will say that I do contribute to more than one online community and
often make posts that do not link the product I support. Many of those
are web forums. There are so many newsgroup postings here I try to stay
focused on what I know best so I can provide more help with the limited
time I have available to post helpful replies.

As for you being annoyed about seeing my name over and over "hocking" my
product. I will argue that I make about 10 posts a month. I would say
that you link to your website far more often than that (in a week? A
day?). And I would say that your signature prominently promotes your book
and if someone buys that book from your website link (as opposed to a
link to Amazon directly) you get some proceeds. Let alone the other
things you sell on your website. Whether you're being successful and
making a profit or not on those sales is not even an argument.

My other point is it's not people seeking help that are complaining it's
you and a few other MVPs that operate in the same manner as you. I've
never heard a post from someone seeking help saying "Wow, post something
other than an ad". I get quite the opposite feedback. If someone has
posted a free solution and I post a solution merely offering that someone
take a look at our website because we can fix their problem you get
upset. It is a misconception that people only want free tools. The
reality is that many people find them cryptic, tedious, hard to use,
limited, and without support. These tools can cause a lot of frustration
and that's why some people come looking for help. It can bring someone a
lot of security to know that someone who knows what they are doing is
willing to help them through an audit, a project, or a problem. When the
stress of an audit comes looming, managers really like the security
blanket offered by a third party company that can meet their needs in a
customized way. They like the ability to call a company and say I need a
report that shows this, this, this, and this and we send them an email
back with the solutions. Sometimes in 15 minutes.

I'm not following your posts and saying, "that MS tool or script you just
suggested has many limitations and is hard to use, you should use DSRAZOR
because that's the only way you're going to solve your problem." Of
course not, people should review all of their options and find the best
solution that meets their needs, free or not. The feedback I get. when I
talk to people I have met on usenet, is that they appreciate the help and
were glad we met because I've made their lives easier, made them look
good with their boss, saved them a lot of time, and helped them learn.
These all validate that I am contributing to the community.

As for getting our product in the hands of MVP's. anyone can come to the
website and download the full version of the product. It will return
very limited results but you can see what it's about. We can also grant
7 day evaluation tokens. I suspect that some MVP's have already played
with DSRAZOR. Our name is out there, we've been to tradeshows, have been
featured in magazines like Windows IT Pro, have full page ads in Technet
Magazine, and Windows IT Pro Magazine, etc. The company itself has been
supporting Directory Services since 1999 and is very well known in the
NetWare circles. If any MVP's want to come check it out please do.
Check out our website or give us a call. Ask for me and I would be happy
to walk any of you through the product and show you what we can do and
what we cannot do.

We in no way want to diminish the efforts of you guys. As an
administrator in the past I have used websites, postings, books, etc
posted by several of you and have found them very valuable. Of course I
dig O'Reilly books, AdFind, JSI FAQ, and the other resources I've used
and I support you guys and your efforts. But I don't think it's very
nice to reply to posts I've made; complaining about them and diminishing
the help I am trying to offer. I don't think it serves anyone.

Happy New Year!

Ken Aldrich
DSRAZOR for Windows
Visual Click Software, Inc.

Joe Richards said:
It would be good to see posts from you that didn't say, go look into
buying DRAZOR, it will do what you need. Put it in your signature if you
like. Those of us MVPs who have items in our signatures or stuff on our
websites aren't usually making profit on them with a couple of
exceptions, usually it is barely enough to cover the stuff we publish
for folks. My book was a huge loss financially for me, if anyone made
money it was O'Reilly. I worked on that book mostly because I wanted to
help folks and there were a lot of issues in the book that needed
correcting. Ditto for spending any time in the newsgroups, lots of bad
advice out here with folks thinking the only solution is something that
they have to pay for or worse being told things that are absolutely
incorrect. My joewear stuff and Amazon ads just pay for the hosting. I
make far more money consulting for companies and going in and getting
paid, everything else doesn't even ad up to poverty level income.

That being said, I will still come out here and help because, as I
mentioned, I don't do it to make money. I also don't do it for the
reputation, I don't need it, I am well known in the fortune 25 companies
and govermment/militaries for the work I have done for them. I do all of
this to help people get past issues that are causing them problems,
stave off bad info that is put out by alleged experts, and actually to
learn more about the kinds of issues people have to come up with more
solutions for them.

I have a set of solutions that I will be selling going up onto a new
website at some point in the hopefully near future and I fully intend to
recommend those as well when they make sense but they won't be the only
posts I put out in the newsgroups, they will be a slight sprinkling of
all of the posts I write.

I don't think you are a bad person, but it is extremely annoying to see
a name over and over again and the only response it ever has is hocking
of their product. Respond with some posts on how to do things without
your product, etc. Become a productive member of the community. You are
correct in that there are no rules of conduct out here. However, most of
us would like to see it as a place of answers and not a place of
advertisements. Sure advertise, I have no problem with that, but do more
than that. Better than that, if you want, contact me off line (use the
(e-mail address removed) and put [MVP] in the subject or [DRAZOR] if you want)
and I can talk to you about getting your product into the hands of DS
MVPs who can play with it and then if they like it point it out to folks
as a possible solution along with others. I personally likely don't have
time to play with it but there are many DS MVPs that likely would. Then
you don't have to be the sole advertiser and it will give you time to
post other types of responses.


Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ken Aldrich wrote:
Joe and other MVPs,

The last thing I want to do is get into an argument with you over
usenet. I respect you, your advice, your books, everything. Not just
you, the other MVP's that frequent these areas as well. Without your
help this would not be the same place.

I want to point out that I am not some sales guy indiscriminately
posting around newsgroups. I am providing very specific advice to help
people resolve their problems. I also do help out, make posts, and
provide solutions that do not involve the products offered by the
company I work for. I am genuinely trying to be helpful.

Some people prefer non-scripted, non command-line, easy to use, fully
supported solutions. And they do come here looking for them. Just
because you suggest a free tool does not mean it is the best tool or
the tool the requester would like to use. Many people will agree that
free is not always the best in a given situation.

Also, I would say there is a fine line between the solutions I post
versus the solutions you post. Many MVPs have links to their websites
or blogs or links to buy books written by them in their signatures or
posts. You use this as a venue to promote yourself as knowledgable and
hope to build a reputation and sell your books, drive people to your
site to seek written faqs or software solutions. While it may be
"free", you're also showing off advertisements for anything from
frisbees to software. I'm not complaining, but I think that there is
not a huge difference. And its not the seekers of help that are
complaining, its you guys that somehow feel bothered by it.

I will tell you that many people genuinely appreciate my posts and are
thankful for the solutions. I regularly talk to people that thank me
for posting a solution. They like the ease of use and the fact that it
is supported. Of the solutions offered, free or not, sometimes we are
the one chosen and the best fit for that particular person requesting
help. That makes me feel like I have contributed to the community here.

I hope you guys can see my point. I'm not just spamming or blatently
forcing people to read "ads" as you call it. I put thought into my
posts making sure they are appropriate and useful. And I do not see a
huge difference between me linking to a commercial website and offering
to hold someone's hand through a problem versus your linking to your
own website which has offers things for sale.

I do not want to get into a nasty back and forth argument. This really
isn't the venue and I hope you see my post in a good light. As I said,
I really respect you guys, and I hope you realize the help I have been
offering has been well received by people looking for it.

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Ken Aldrich said:
I'm not sure if you read the first paragraph of the post you replied
to or not. The focus isn't really on whether or not Joe is "pushing"
a book. I really don't like talk about him in the third person like
this and I hope he doesn't find that irritating.
However, he did say that he intends to sell products online and refer
to those products in specific situations where it would help people
solve their problems in this forum. Given that, I do not understand
the point of your first paragraph. I think we've agreed that isn't
what he finds "annoying"... he accepts that.

You, on the other hand were "annoyed by the wording" in my post and
chose to move on, as opposed to replying in a way that diminished the
help I was trying to offer. For that I am appreciative... thats
really all I could want.

What I have a hard time swallowing is that its the MVPs that are
annoyed... not the people that are asking for and getting the help. Sure,
some people might prefer a free solution, in that case they can
simply ignore my post. Also, I certainly never reply to a post where
the person asking for help explicitely says they want a free
solution, or a solution only involving native tools, or whatever
constraints that some people occassionally post. I certainly respect
those wishes. I'm not forcing advertising on anyone... just trying
to offer a solution... and as I said, I get positive feedback from
those we do end up helping. For that, I disagree with your
assessment that people coming here are "rarely looking for a product,
they are looking for a skill set". I think many times they're
looking for either one, or a combination of the two, that will best
meet their needs. As I said before, the proof is in the fact that
we've made some people from these forums very happy. Sometimes our
solution is the one chosen and they were grateful for the helping
hand. Whether you agree or not, all I ask is that when I'm trying to help
someone with a problem I don't see a followup post from someone else
dimishing the effort. It doesn't really serve the community.
Thanks for reading... I hope this exchange isn't getting too
rediculous. I really do respect each of you, your efforts, and as
you said, the HUGE brains invovled here.

Honestly, the reason why you are seeing the MVPs responding, and as you say,
appear "annoyed", is because mostly the MVPs are the ones that frequent
these groups for any length of time. Most posters will ask for help,
comments or suggestions, read the responses, and once satisfied, they are on
their way and may not hear from them again, unless they have another problem
or question. Therefore, that is why you are hearing from MVPs concerning
this. I know one or two out here will advertise their wares, which I don't
agree, but for the most part, we do not. I doubt if a poster looking for
assistance will bother hanging around any length of time to argue or even
know what the heck is going on when it comes to advertising and wouldn't
give a darn about arguing the point. However, the MVPs see it all the time.

And yes, this exchange is getting somewhat ridiculous, but you know what,
whether I am an MVP or not, I am siding with Joe, Paul and the other MVPs
that are lurking this thread concerning advertising.

Hey, to analogize, I belong to a private club, pretty much an elaborate
drinking hole with perks. I know many people belong to various types of
clubs or organizations. But the one basic rule that members of many of these
organizations must follow is no solicitation. I think that is sort of an
unwritten rule we should all follow here in the groups.


Joe Richards [MVP]

I think my point was missed. I don't care that you hock a product, what
is annoying is that seems to be the majority of what you post about.
Maybe you don't do that in other forums but most times I see your name
DRAZOR is being pitched as the entirety of the message.

I don't doubt that your tools offer value, but that isn't what bugs me.
It is the fact that you only respond with ads. This is a community and
people who are regularly here helping out we kind of like to see
contributing positively and not just advertising. Imagine, if you will,
if you just had a bunch of people pushing their products and that was
all of the responses that were given. This community would become quite
worthless and all of the people you are hitting with your ads would
simply go away.

I am really not pushing my book or joewear stuff, if I pushed anything I
would push thongs and coffee cups, I make far more money on them and are
useful to more people. MSFT tracks my posts in various forums every year
and I literally have more than 2500 posts yearly across the various NNTP
and SMTP forums and out of all of those my book is listed in the
signature but mentioned as the solution for a problem maybe 20-30 times
tops. The book is listed for people to go and buy if they find that they
have a lot of questions they need answers but more importantly the
signature ties my posts directly to my book so if someone has a problem
or question from the book they know they are getting me when I respond
in the newsgroups or if they like my responses they can go find the book
for more. The link to the book tells people specifically what the main
changes are from the previous version and yes if they buy through the
link on my website Amazon gives a small kickback which goes into pot
with the joewear thong sales to pay for hosting for the bandwidth to
download the tools I offer for free. If my only goal was to make money
off of that stuff, I could do so but no one wants to see me responding
primarily with responses of go look at this product and that will solve
your problem. If I did that and others did that, as I said before this
forum would be pretty close to worthless and lot of good information
that came out of the MVP circles would not be available to the public.

Overall, I like the fact that you post, I think it is a good thing. I
just wish you would post something other than "Go try DRAZOR" as your
main message a significant portion of the time instead of once in a
while. Even once I start selling actual solutions and mention them out
here you can rest assured that it will be the entirety of the posts on a
very small minority of my posts.

As for the testing of the app, you missed my point on that. MVPs may
have tried the app but no one is going to recommend it based on a
crippled demo or have all of 7 days to mess with it. An MVP may buy it
but I don't know your pricing and I know the capability of most of the
DS MVPs is such that they don't usually need to buy tools for themselves
to make AD life easier. The other benefit of MVPs using the product is
that we tend to be good at flushing out bugs and telling people about
them. I submit many many bugs to MSFT and various third party companies
every year while messing around testing solutions plus most of the DS
MVPs are consultants, usually very high level consultants, in many of
the largest service companies and support companies and that certainly
comes into play. There are lots of companies offering special deals on
personal use versions for lots of products (hundreds) to get the
products into their hands. We have MSFT Private newsgroups where we post
the offers for all MVPs to find and use. It was simply an offer to get
your company name out via more mouths and open up time for you to do
more non-DRAZOR posts. If there was info I would post it and let MVPs
have at it, you may get slammed with requests and you may not get any.
:) Oh, I do not recall having seen DRAZOR nor VisualClick listed as a
solution in the private groups previously which is where MVPs help each
other, usually for corporate issues.

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Joe Richards [MVP]

I go to Ace's club too... I just happen to always wear a t-shirt that
says I am the author of Active Directory Third Edition. That is so
people know who to kick. ;)

Just kidding, no one would let me into a private club. I would blog
about their secret handshake. :)

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Joe Richards said:
I go to Ace's club too... I just happen to always wear a t-shirt that
says I am the author of Active Directory Third Edition. That is so
people know who to kick. ;)

Just kidding, no one would let me into a private club. I would blog
about their secret handshake. :)


Your shirt may as well say, "Please Kick Me"!!! :)

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Joe Richards said:
I think my point was missed. I don't care that you hock a product,
what is annoying is that seems to be the majority of what you post
about. Maybe you don't do that in other forums but most times I see
your name DRAZOR is being pitched as the entirety of the message.

I don't doubt that your tools offer value, but that isn't what bugs
me. It is the fact that you only respond with ads. This is a
community and people who are regularly here helping out we kind of
like to see contributing positively and not just advertising.
Imagine, if you will, if you just had a bunch of people pushing their
products and that was all of the responses that were given. This
community would become quite worthless and all of the people you are
hitting with your ads would simply go away.

I am really not pushing my book or joewear stuff, if I pushed
anything I would push thongs and coffee cups, I make far more money
on them and are useful to more people. MSFT tracks my posts in
various forums every year and I literally have more than 2500 posts
yearly across the various NNTP and SMTP forums and out of all of
those my book is listed in the signature but mentioned as the
solution for a problem maybe 20-30 times tops. The book is listed for
people to go and buy if they find that they have a lot of questions
they need answers but more importantly the signature ties my posts
directly to my book so if someone has a problem or question from the
book they know they are getting me when I respond in the newsgroups
or if they like my responses they can go find the book for more. The
link to the book tells people specifically what the main changes are
from the previous version and yes if they buy through the link on my
website Amazon gives a small kickback which goes into pot with the
joewear thong sales to pay for hosting for the bandwidth to download
the tools I offer for free. If my only goal was to make money off of
that stuff, I could do so but no one wants to see me responding
primarily with responses of go look at this product and that will
solve your problem. If I did that and others did that, as I said
before this forum would be pretty close to worthless and lot of good
information that came out of the MVP circles would not be available
to the public.
Overall, I like the fact that you post, I think it is a good thing. I
just wish you would post something other than "Go try DRAZOR" as your
main message a significant portion of the time instead of once in a
while. Even once I start selling actual solutions and mention them out
here you can rest assured that it will be the entirety of the posts
on a very small minority of my posts.

As for the testing of the app, you missed my point on that. MVPs may
have tried the app but no one is going to recommend it based on a
crippled demo or have all of 7 days to mess with it. An MVP may buy it
but I don't know your pricing and I know the capability of most of the
DS MVPs is such that they don't usually need to buy tools for
themselves to make AD life easier. The other benefit of MVPs using
the product is that we tend to be good at flushing out bugs and
telling people about them. I submit many many bugs to MSFT and
various third party companies every year while messing around testing
solutions plus most of the DS MVPs are consultants, usually very high
level consultants, in many of the largest service companies and
support companies and that certainly comes into play. There are lots
of companies offering special deals on personal use versions for lots
of products (hundreds) to get the products into their hands. We have
MSFT Private newsgroups where we post the offers for all MVPs to find
and use. It was simply an offer to get your company name out via more
mouths and open up time for you to do more non-DRAZOR posts. If there
was info I would post it and let MVPs have at it, you may get slammed
with requests and you may not get any. :) Oh, I do not recall having
seen DRAZOR nor VisualClick listed as a solution in the private
groups previously which is where MVPs help each other, usually for
corporate issues.

Joe, I agree, I have not yet either seen this product offered as a whole
non-crippled version in the MVP private forums, or from my MVP contact as I
do numerous other products. Between being an MCT and MVP, we get a host of
offers for full versions for our use and for demo purposes for our own
clients and customers. This one I have not yet seen. Maybe Ken is reluctant
to offer a full versioned product for us. And I would also offer a 3rd party
product as suggestions too, that I've heard of or have personally used or
tested as a solution for a post, but I will always first mention the basic
built-in tools and methods that I am so used to using over the past 7 years
with AD (back to the beta days!) and other Microsoft products.

However, I also agree he would need to get away from only offering his
product as the sole reponse in his posts. I jsut say another one earlier
that said the same thing. It's too focused on his product and getting old.

Just out of curiosity, I did a quick search in this group on "Ken" as the
"From" line, and found about 5 or more posts, not including this thread.
IOut of more curiosity, I also searched the,active_directory group and found 12 posts
out there. I checked out each individually so as to just to make sure. They
are ALL ads for his products, which is the only thing he mentions.

I didn't check the scripting groups. :)


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