carrying over a column formula from one sheet to another copied sh



I have a worksheet that has three columns all part of a formula. Very
simple, the first column is the beginning subtotal, the second is any
additional numbers, the last column is the total of the two previous columns.

I want to make copies of the master sheet and carry over the total from one
sheet to the next copied sheet, however I need the numbers in the Total
column to end up in the Subtotal column of the copied sheet, and so on with
multiple copies.

Can this be done?

Thank you for your valued suggestions! Carl


Assume you only have one sheet - Sheet1 - and that you are using
columns A, B and C starting in row 2, allowing a row for headings. You
can copy the sheet into the same workbook by CTRL-drag, i.e. hold the
CTRL key down and drag the tab of Sheet1. Rename this second sheet as
Sheet2, and in A2 enter this formula:


Copy this formula down for as many items as you have in Sheet1. You
might like to clear all the data from column B of this sheet.

Now, copy Sheet2 using CTRL-drag and rename it to Sheet3. Highlight
column A of Sheet3 and press CTRL-H (same as Edit | Replace) and enter

Find What: Sheet1
Replace With: Sheet2

Click Replace All.

You can repeat this procedure until you have enough sheets.

Hope this helps.



Thanks again Pete, BTW, I checked out the link and found it
very helpful too. Thanks for that tip! Carl

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