Can't send email


jennifer granchi

I cannot send email through Outlook 2002. Product ID is
54186-640-0000025-17245. The error that I am getting is
a sending and receiving error, instructing me that my
smtp server is interrupted and if it continues to contact
my ISP. I did this. They said everything should be
okay. I can still use the Net, and I can receive emails,
and I can send from Adelphia's website. Adelphia told me
it would have to be a Microsoft issue. Here is my error
message when I test my account setting :

Send test email message: Unable to logon to the outgoing
mail server (SMTP). Please verify you SMTP server and -
if your requires authentication - the authentication
information on the 'More Settings' pages.

Brian Tillman

jennifer granchi said:
Here is my error
message when I test my account setting :

Send test email message: Unable to logon to the outgoing
mail server (SMTP). Please verify you SMTP server and -
if your requires authentication - the authentication
information on the 'More Settings' pages.

So, follow the error message's suggestion and authenticate to your outgoing

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

What sort of error do you get when you actually try to send mail instead of
using "Test Account"? The test account button unfortunately does not give
as good an error message as you get if you actually try to send mail...


I verified my email server. It is I
also contacted Adelphia, and they said email is not
down. I am able to use their Internet based webmail.
Adelphia said it is a Microsoft error. I am unable to
send mail in both Outlook Express and Outlook 2002.


Here is the verbatim error message that I get when I try
to send email (the emails go to my outbox):

Task ' - Sending and Receiving' reported
error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was
interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your
server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'
Task ' - Sending' reported error
(0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was
interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your
server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

Task ' - Sending' reported error
(0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was
interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your
server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

I contacted Adelphia twice, and they say everything is
working fine. Outlook is having problems since I cannot
send mail from both Outlook and Outlook Express, but I
can send email from Adelphia's webmail.

Brian Tillman

I verified my email server.

That's not what I suggested to you. I said "authenticate to the outgoing
server". That means that your outbound SMTP server (mail,
required a username and password just like the incoming server. Open your
account's properties page and locate the checkbox "My outgoing server (SMTP)
requires authentication" and place a checkmark in it. Then, if you have the
radio button "Use same settings as my incoming server", make sure that is
checked as well. If you don't have that button, there should be a place to
insert your Adelphia username and password. It probably matches the same
username and password you supplied for your incoming (POP) server.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Do you have firewall or anti-virus software installed on your machine? If
so, they might be the problem. In particular, try turning off outgoing mail
scanning in anti-virus software to see if it is the culprit. If so, contact
your AV vendor to see if they have an update to correct the problem.

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