can't reach remote windowsxp




I use two computers remotely. Windows 2000 server is installed on the first
and windows XP home on the second. Both are connected to internet with adsl.
From windows 2000, I get the IP address of the remote windows XP via email
but when i ping to that IP, i get: "request time out" every time.
I tried the other way: pinging from the windows XP to the windows 2000, it
works. The only difference between both computers is that the windows 2000
has a netcard with a local IP.

Same happens with VNC program. The vnc-server is the windowsxp and the
vnc-client is the windows 2000. When trying from the windows 2000 to reach
the windowsxp, i get "failed to connect to server".
I even disabled the firewall of the windowsxp.

Any hints would be welcome.

Mohamed Abdulla

Instead of the Ping command try the tracert command, to see where does your
IP traffic get lost, then start from there.

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