can't publish to IIS on LAN



I have been trying to publish a new site to my IIS server (WIN XP Pro) across
my small network. I can publish on the local server machine without a
problem. When I try to publish across the network, I am asked for a logon. I
have tried the logon for both the remote PC (trying to publish from) and the
local PC (trying to publish to) with no success.

I am using the default Authorization settings and have also tried turning
off the setting for Windows Authentication so that no password would be
required, but that seems to kill my iis server. I can't even view the default
web site unless I turn that back on.

I have no problem publishing to my Internet Service Provider using the id
and password they supply, but I don't know what password is required to
publish to the IIS I set up on our own network. How do I set that information
for the IIS? What ID and password is being requested?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Thomas A. Rowe

1. Have you create a user account on the machine you are publishing to?
2. Are you publishing via http://machinename or http://ipaddress?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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