Can't get Outlook to do what Outlook Express can?



Hello, I've recently been giving some IT support to a distant friend's

After installing a new network for them, getting them all on the net, and
being able to transpher files between each other nicely, I decided to have a
little look around one of the laptops.

I found the my 'client' was using about 4 different profiles in Outlook, as
he believed that he could not have more than one e-mail account per profile.

The first thing that I did was merge them into one Profile, so that he can
recieve all of his e-mails at the same time, straight into the same inbox.

However he has a Tiscali pop3 e-mail account which he is used to picking up
in Outlook Express.

I have transphered the settings for the e-mail account to the same merged
Profile in Outlook.

However I can't get it to receive any of the e-mails that I've sent him.
(For test purposes). OR send any e-mails.

I have removed the account from Outlook express. And then RE-SET it up. It
works just fine. So I know that all of the password fields and other server
information etc. is working as it should.

I just can't get the same results in Outlook 2003.

Is there something that I've got to uncheck or something like that in
Outlook 2003 that's asking to use a SSL or something like that, that I could
have missed?

I've been through EVERY tab of the account set up 'wizard' many times, but
still cannot see any differences between that and the ones that are
definately working in Outlook Express.

Now I have been able to to merge, Exchange server accounts and several pop3
accounts into one profile, my client can't understand why I am having
problems with his tiscali account!
It's embarrasing for me, as I can't set up a simple pop3 e-mail account!

Is there a limit to how many accounts you can have set up in Outlook?

Cheers for your time, hope you can help, as I'm pulling my hair out!



Since you have not mentioned any error messages when you try send/recv, try
the following.

Run a search for a file *.srs in the computer and rename it and restart
Outlook and try send/recv.

Update me about the same and do tell me if you receive any errors in Outlook.




Okay, sorry for not including Error message information.

Basically when outlook tests the account settings, it gives me a big red
cross next to each of them.

This *.srs file, any suggestions to what I should rename it to, or shall I
just put something that will be easy to locate later?

Cheers for your help. I'll contact my client and arrange for me to impliment
your suggestions



As a start, rather performing Test Account Settings, try sending a test
email to yourself.
That should provide you with the exact error codes, if any.
Also, you could rename the file *.srs to *.old..
However, i suggest to implement the step if incase you do not encounter any
error message.
Reply back with the error codes.



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