Can't change desktop icons for websites

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bobbi
  • Start date Start date


I seem to have messed up my computer.

I've just now installed IE7 and ran into the problem of my self-made desktop
icons for websites being replaced by the general IE symbol. I read some old
posts and think I've learned how to fix that, but in the meantime I took one
suggestion of resetting my desktop appearance special effects to NOT use
large icons and then resetting it again to USE large icons. That was a
mistake. Now I can't seem to change the icons: I select the one I want from
my special icon folder and click OK and then apply, but it won't change it.
The icon flashes briefly but then remains the same old IE symbol.

So my questions are now:

(1) How to get the desktop to replace the icon with the one I've selected,
(2) How to get IE7 to stop changing them.

Additional information: I WAS able to change the icon for a website which is
entirely on my computer hard drive, but not for websites which are out on
the web.
OK, thanks PA Bear, I'll do that, but the first part of the question may or
may not be related to IE.
One or more options/settings in an ever-growing number of third-party
applications may be disallowing the changes from "sticking." These include
anti-spyware applications (e.g., Ad-aware's Ad-Watch, Spybot Tea Timer,
SpywareBlaster, SpySweeper, Spyware Doctor, CounterSpy, WinPatrol, etc),
anti-virus applications & security suites (Norton, McAfee, ESET/NOD32,
Kasperky, Trend Micro, etc.), and third-party firewalls (e.g., Zone Alarm,

Note that temporarily disabling the application(s) or rebooting into Safe
Mode may not disable the application's system protections.

Meanwhile, I've taken a look at your headers and read your other thread
("SP3"). WTF haven't you been keeping the computer fully-patched at all
times? I think you may have much more serious problems than IE icons!
Hi, PA Bear-

I may have discovered a solution, although I think it's a Mickey Mouse

The problem started when I followed some poor advice which someone said
worked for her: I unchecked "large icons" and then rechecked it.

(1) Others told me that the default size for large icons (48) is too large
and causes problems. It was suggested that I try a size less than 44. I
chose 40. Immediately my old personal icons returned. However, opening them
in IE7 still caused IE to replace them with the "e".

(2) Next, I changed the default icon for one web link to my desired icon and
clicked apply and OK'd out. Then I re-entered the properties dialog box and
made it read-only. (Can't do both in one step- it won't be accepted.) Now it
seems to stick even after opening and closing IE. However, I guess I'll have
to make all my website icons read-only. These last two steps are the Mickey
Mouse part, which shouldn't be needed. If you know another way, I'm sure
you'll tell me.

As to why I haven't kept my patches up to date: because I've heard
complaints that a patch caused a BSOD or caused some other, seemingly
unrelated program to malfunction. A computer is supposed to be a
productivity tool. I appreciate MS making patches available but not the
problems caused when the patches aren't correct. I know that no computer
program is ever 100% correct, but sometimes I feel I spend more time
maintaining my computer system than profiting from its use. McAfee has
served me well for over 10 years; the only virus I've ever gotten (to my
knowledge) was when I ignored a warning from McAfee Site Advisor. So I
decided to take a chance. Now my decision is coming back to haunt me in the
update process.

If you mistrust critical security updates and implicitly trust a McAfee
application's protection, you're part of a very distinct and very small
minority, my friend. More power to you.