cannot view mht file saved earlier in IE7




Don't know why all the sudden I cannot view .mht files I saved before.

All the time, I have been using IE7 on XP/SP2. Outlook/outlook express
are installed and working fine.

When I double click on .mht file, IE will prompt a secruity warning
bar, which is normally used for the warning for the web page wants to
install activex object. Then the raw file was displayed.

Does anyone know why and how to resolve the issue?



Jon Kennedy

Try this - go to the Advanced tab in Internet Options, scroll down to the
security section, place a check by "Allow active content to run in files on
My Computer", click Apply, click Okay. Close all instances of IE, restart
IE. Sounds like the pages you've saved contain active content (ActiveX,
scripting, etc.)


After I changed the security setting, the security warning is gone.
However, IE still didn't display the mht file as it should be, still
only display the raw text contect.


Jon Kennedy

Run the following command via start/run:

regsvr32 inetcomm.dll

If no joy, go to My Computer, Tools, Folder Options, File Types tab.

Scroll down to the .mht file type, click to highlight, click Advanced, Open
to highlight, Edit

Application used: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %1

Use DDE: checked

DDE message: "file://%1",,-1,,,,,

Application: IExplore

DDE Application not running: * (yes, just an asterisk)

Topic: WWW_OpenURLNewWindow

Jon Kennedy, MS MVP/IE
Charlotte, NC, USA
(e-mail address removed)


I checked the settings in File Type, they are correct.

I found that I was able to open pure English mht file, but not mht
files using other languages. After I changed the region to that
language, I was able to view all mht files.

Charset might be the issue. Not sure.

Anyway, it's working now.

Thanks for your time.


Jon Kennedy

Thanks for posting back with the solution to your problem so that it's
available to others with this issue.

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