Can only receive some e-mail



Some of my email comes thru but then Mail freezes up and I get an error
message. I checked with my ISP mail provider and all settings there are
correct. I tried turning off my email phishing from my security provider and
it didn't change anything. The latest error message I get... which now
occurs immediately without receiving any messages... is
Account: '', Server:, Protocol:pOP3,
Service Response: -ERR invalid command', Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Server
Error: 0x800CCC90, Error number: 0x800CCC18.

So far I have no problems sending mail, just receiving. Can you help? I'm
totally frustrated with my new laptop for this reason. Thank you.


Hi... this is a follow-up note to my question. My incoming mail server is
shown as POP3 - 110. Is that correct? My ISP is comcast.

Gary VanderMolen

Yes, your basic settings are correct. However, check this setting:
Go to Tools, Accounts, select that mail account, Properties, Servers.
Uncheck the box for "Log on using Secure Password Authentication."


Hi... I changed that setting and it helped in that I now get a box saying
'checking for new messages' and 'receiving message 1 of 8'. New problem is
that it's been locked there for approx 15 minutes and no messages have come
thru. I haven't received an error message either. I'm just letting it sit
there until something happens, presumably an error message, but no idea how
long that will take.


After about 20 minutes, I got this error msg... Your server has unexpectedly
terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include: server
problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account:
''. Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110,
Secure (SSL); No, Error message 0x800CCC0F.

I didn't receive any messages, but outgoing continues to work fine.


You could have a corrupted message on the server.

Log on to the webmail portal and look at the messages, and delete any that
appear to be a problem...

Windows 7 beta

Carol891 said:
Hi... I changed that setting and it helped in that I now get a box saying
'checking for new messages' and 'receiving message 1 of 8'. New problem
that it's been locked there for approx 15 minutes and no messages have
thru. I haven't received an error message either. I'm just letting it
there until something happens, presumably an error message, but no idea
long that will take.


Hi... I took Dave's suggestion and cleared out the comcast mailbox in case
there were any corrupted files. This morning I tried again and the first few
messages came thru and then it froze and didn't send anymore messages thru.
I got the error message described below. The only thing I'm doing
differently is that I had an old laptop with XP and Outlook Express. Mail
came thru fine. Now I have a new, more powerful laptop running Vista 64-bit,
and it comes with a 15-month trial to Trend Micro Internet Security. Could
Trend Micro be the problem, or is there a setting somewhere that limits the
size of the message that can come thru? I'm at a loss as to why some msgs
come thru and the rest don't.
Plz help. Thank you!


Carol891 said:
After about 20 minutes, I got this error msg... Your server has unexpectedly
terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include: server
problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account:
''. Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110,
Secure (SSL); No, Error message 0x800CCC0F.

I didn't receive any messages, but outgoing continues to work fine.


I think I may have found out what my problem is... my wireless connection.
I took my laptop to the local airport to run it on their wireless network.
My computer was much faster, and my emails all downloaded. I think the
download was just timing out because my wireless conex at home isn't very
good. Plz advise if this doesn't make sense to you, because I'm planning to
return my router and get something else.
Thanks for your help.

Gary VanderMolen

My guess is that the better performance at the airport was just a

Trend Micro antivirus is among the top three troublemakers for Windows Mail.
First, go into its settings and disable any interaction with email, then try
Windows Mail again. If no improvement, do a trial uninstall of the antivirus.

Another option (instead of uninstalling Trend Micro) is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of
overly intrusive antivirus products:

In any case you must disable any antivirus email scanning, for the reason
explained here:

Gary VanderMolen

The top three troublemakers are Norton, McAfee, and Trend Micro
antivirus products.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Carol891 said:
Hi... Re the top 3 troublemakers for Windows Mail, where does McAfee rate?

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