cable modem won't load at start-up




I switched recently from ADSL to cable DSL.

Unfortunately the modem doesnt seem to load at start-up. It loads with

I have a feeling its still looking for the ADSL connection instead.

Could anyone help me with an idea as to why it happens ? My ADSL connection
was direct, whereas my cable modem is via the ethernet.


Unfortunately the modem doesnt seem to load at start-up. It loads with
So your new cable modem has a router built in? I think this may be a DHCP
issue. Look at the TCP/IP settings for your network card for problems. DHCP
should be default and work. You can try manually setting an IP address (in
network range but outside router's DHCP range), gateway IP and IP of DNS in
the TCP/IP settings. Write back if fixed.


this is what Im wondering. Im not literate enough to know. I have removed
everything I can think of to do with the old ADSL (including driver).

The network card doesnt seem to show at start-up, but turns up on restart.


thanks. I will need to think about what you have said. I suspect it is some
sort of conflict.

the network card doesnt seem to load at start-up, but loads for restart.

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