Cable Modem Problems with XP



I am getting entirely frustrated. My computer keeps
hanging up and ultimately boots the cable modem off
line. I have one PC on XP and one PC on ME. The ME
computer can run all day without a problem but the XP
machine fails hangs after a period of time. If I unplug
the cable modem (Ericson Piperider) and reboot the cable
modem it works okay for a period of time but then happens
again. If the ME machine is online without the XP
machine I have no problems. Other information to know -
I am using a Linksys router. I am starting to believe I
have the XP machine configured wrong or I have a bad
cable modem. I need help. The cable company is not
helping. The machine is brand new. I need help. What
can you suggest?


Robert Michon

If the Linksys router is between the cable modem and the XP machine, it has
absolutely nothing to do with XP, and is more a coincidence that the Me
machine works ok. What makes you think the cable modem is the problem if
the Me machine works without a problem at all.

Try updating the drivers for the XP machine network card, check the network
cable or better yet, swap it with a new one to rule out a damaged cable.

Make sure the network card in the XP machine is configured according to your
ISP's instructions as well.

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