Cable Modems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Day
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Bob Day

I use an RCA cable modem for work from home; the cable provider offers 3
brands of modems free of charge, which are
RCA, Motorola and Webstar

I am a power user and interested in the best possible performance possible,
and I have had a lot of times when the RCA modem needs to be rebooted (which
is a real pain).

1) There are many Cable modems for sale other than the ones offered for
free. So, is there a Premium cable modem that is worth investing in that is
better than the free modems offered by the cable company? Or, are all cable
modems created equal? Any recomendations?

2) I have seperate cable modem, 4 port router, wireless access point and
VOIP telephone adapter (so, a lot of wires). It would be nice to get the
cable modem, 10/100/1000 router and wireless access point all in the same
device (I am not so concerned about the VOIP telephone adapter). I have
seen these available. What is the down side of getting them all in one
device? Does anyone recomend a device that fits the bill?

A URL that reviewed cable modems and rated what is the best would be very

I am not familiar with the Boot issue of your Modem.
However as far as performance is concern there is No differences between the
Cable Modems, any Modem would do.
Jack (MVP-Networking).
A Docsis 1.1 modem would be better than a non upgradeable 1.0 only
modem. Get the model # and research on the web. 1.1 supports more
features and is more future proof.

an all in one device may save space, but if one piece becomes
obsolete, then what? wireless is evolving in particular and non of
the existing all in one cable modems+router+wireless will be
upgradeable to 802.11n for example.

I've not seen any gigE all in ones either.

I use a Motorola 5100 with a Dlink DGL-4300 router and have added on
some addition access points.

I use an RCA cable modem for work from home; the cable provider offers 3
brands of modems free of charge, which are
RCA, Motorola and Webstar

I am a power user and interested in the best possible performance possible,
and I have had a lot of times when the RCA modem needs to be rebooted (which
is a real pain).

1) There are many Cable modems for sale other than the ones offered for
free. So, is there a Premium cable modem that is worth investing in that is
better than the free modems offered by the cable company? Or, are all cable
modems created equal? Any recomendations?

2) I have seperate cable modem, 4 port router, wireless access point and
VOIP telephone adapter (so, a lot of wires). It would be nice to get the
cable modem, 10/100/1000 router and wireless access point all in the same
device (I am not so concerned about the VOIP telephone adapter). I have
seen these available. What is the down side of getting them all in one
device? Does anyone recomend a device that fits the bill?

A URL that reviewed cable modems and rated what is the best would be very


Barb Bowman
MS Windows-MVP
Expert Zone & Vista Community Columnist