burning photo CD



I was successful in writing to the CD and it recorded each photo that I
selected. The problem is: when I went to edit the photos on the new CD, it
wouldn't let me. Said it was a READ ONLY CD, but I could change that, but I
don't know how.
Can someone tell me how to change this CD from READ ONLY to ARCHIVED,
therefore making it editable?


CD R CD's are more or less write once only. If the CD blank is a CD RW it
can be rewritten. How this happens is a bit messy, unless the CD is "erased"
and rewritten in total.
Changing this after the fact is difficult on a CD, and does require a decent
CD utility program.
Using some of the CD writer programs with winXP requires that you disable
the internal XP CD utilitys t avoid problems.

yves alarie

When you copy to a CD-R, the R means "write only".
So, you can copy (write) files to a CD-R and you can read the files after
you copy them on the CD-R but you cannot edit the files on a CD-R. This is
why you are getting the message "READ ONLY CD". Also, if you want to delete
a file from a CD-R you will get a message that you cannot do so. Any file
copied to a CD-R is permanent. You can add more files to a CD-R ( up to
about 600 MB to be safe not to exceed the 700 MB capacity of a CD-R) but you
cannot delete any file from it and you cannot edit any file on it. So in
essence you use a CD-R to copy your photos and you keep them there as a
backup copy of the photos on your hard drive or to send and distribute your
photos to friends.
Now for your problem. Easy to solve. If the photo is on your hard drive, you
open it and edit it and "Save as" and give it a different file name. After
editing the original file you can copy the new edited file to your CD-R (you
simply insert your CD-R instead of a blank CD and follow the same procedure
you used to copy to your blank CD).
If after copying the photo files to your CD-R you deleted them from your
hard drive, there is no problem. Select the file you want to edit on your
CD-R and look at the menu on the left of the file names. Click on Copy. A
window will open for you to select a folder you want to copy this file to on
your hard drive. Select a folder and the file will be copied back to your
hard drive. Then open the file from there and do the editing.

Jim Wynne

yves said:
When you copy to a CD-R, the R means "write only".
So, you can copy (write) files to a CD-R and you can read the files after
you copy them on the CD-R but you cannot edit the files on a CD-R. This is
why you are getting the message "READ ONLY CD". Also, if you want to delete
a file from a CD-R you will get a message that you cannot do so. Any file
copied to a CD-R is permanent. You can add more files to a CD-R ( up to
about 600 MB to be safe not to exceed the 700 MB capacity of a CD-R) but you
cannot delete any file from it and you cannot edit any file on it. So in
essence you use a CD-R to copy your photos and you keep them there as a
backup copy of the photos on your hard drive or to send and distribute your
photos to friends.
Now for your problem. Easy to solve. If the photo is on your hard drive, you
open it and edit it and "Save as" and give it a different file name. After
editing the original file you can copy the new edited file to your CD-R (you
simply insert your CD-R instead of a blank CD and follow the same procedure
you used to copy to your blank CD).
If after copying the photo files to your CD-R you deleted them from your
hard drive, there is no problem. Select the file you want to edit on your
CD-R and look at the menu on the left of the file names. Click on Copy. A
window will open for you to select a folder you want to copy this file to on
your hard drive. Select a folder and the file will be copied back to your
hard drive. Then open the file from there and do the editing.

The "R" in CD-R does not mean "write only." That's absurd. It means

Yves Alarie

Well, indeed yes, R is for recordable. So you can record on it.
What does this mean in the real world for someone who does not know how CDs
work? So you just tell them it is "recordable" and leave them at this?
In the real world, it means you can only write (record) on it, not erase or
edit anything on it.
At least in the US, we speak about CD-R vs CD-RW as the first one being a
"write" only CD and the second one as "read and write" CD. It may be
different in other English speaking countries. The word "record" is never
used. In fact, people here "burn" CDs.

Wislu Plethora

-----Original Message-----
At least in the US, we speak about CD-R vs CD-RW as the
first one being a "write" only CD and the second one
as "read and write" CD.

You patiently offer valuable advice to the clueless in
this group, but this time you're unnecessarily confusing
things. Your statement above is patently incorrect; you
seem to be suggesting that a CD-R is a write-only medium
that can't subsequently be *read*. One can read and
write to both varieties, and both varieties may be
written to more than once. The primary practical
difference is that a CD-R may only be written to until its
capacity is reached, while a CD-RW may be erased at that
point and used again.

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