Booking and Absence Monitoring System



I've been given a great opportunity at work to work on a system that all the
team leaders in my office will use as a sort of booking system for staff
leave and monitoring of staffing levels kind of thing.

Essentially say there are 5 teams with 10 people in each. Each team leader
should enter details about each person in their team and it will warn them
if their teams attendance drops below 80% BUT it also has to warn them if
the attendance for the whole office drops below 80% and it has to accept
dates for the next 4 weeks like all the time it should be for 4 weeks ahead.

I have the option of doing it in Access or Excel or a combination of both
and I think it is do-able in either but think it would be just slightly
easier in Excel. If anyone knows better, please inform me

I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as for the best way to do this?

I'm sure there will be a way to calculate and fill the column headings with
the next 4 weeks from todays date in VBA.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Bob Phillips

A few ideas.

Have separate worksheets per team leader.

Summarise on a summary sheet.

Dates - don't need VBA

B1: =TODAY()
C1: =B1+1

If you want to ignore Sat Or Sun, then

C1: =IF(WEEKDAY(B1+1)=7,B1+3,B1+1)

If you use Marlett font, entering a in a cell shows as a tick. You c an
count all a's with =COUNTIF(B2:Z2,"a") to get precence. Percentage

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