Booking system formula



Hi I’m new here.

I have been having a problem. I am making a booking in system on excel
I have got a front end to it, where people enter there data. And a macr
which brings the information to the back end of the spreadsheet.

I need a formula which looks up in the above fields and counts how man
there are of a course name example: “course 1a” = 5 and in the next bo
“course 1b = 1.

I Don’t know which formula to use. Will it be a lookup or will it be
counta formula. Or is it a formula with both in it. I have been tryin
for the last few days.

Please someone help me




Try COUNTIF. example:

=COUNTIF(A1:A100,"course 1b")

of course, adjust the range to fit your needs.

Does this work for you


yes yes it does mate.

cheers for that i have never used a countif before.

Your a sta

Roger Govier

Assuming your range of data holding the text "course 1a" etc. is in A1:A100
In B1 enter Course 1a, in B2 enter Course 1b

In C1 enter =COUNTIF($A$1:$A$100,"="&B1)
copy down to C2

Roger Govier
"johncouzins" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

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