Bluescreen 0x00000019 (BAD_POOL_HEADER) on XP Pro XP2



I keep getting this in my eventlog: "The computer has rebooted from a
bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000019 (0x00000020, 0xe11d08b0, 0xe11d0910,
0x0c0c0201). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini110704-01.dmp."

I recently (6 days ago) did a fresh install with Windows XP Pro SP2 media
and have since then got this bluescreen 13 times.

Steps taken to find a solution:

1), goole groups; check this for ex. >>

2) Did some dump examination, but there was no useful info:
BugCheckCode 00000019
BugCheckParameter1 00000020
BugCheckParameter2 e3478800
BugCheckParameter3 e3478830
BugCheckParameter4 0c060202

3) Added /NoExecute=AlwaysOff to boot.ini

4) Ran Microsoft Memeory tester (mtinst.exe) >> no problems there

5) Ran Driver Verifier (verifier.exe) and rebooted. Had to turn that thing
off however as it made my computer crawl and I need to be able to use my

6) Some other stuff that I've forgot...

7) Thought about opening a support case at Microsoft and send in all the
minidumps, but decided against as I really do not have that kind of money to

So, to all here, aspecially Microsoft techies. PLEASE HELP!!!
I'm not the first one to have these problems after installing XP SP2. Just
do a check over at google groups or Microsoft news groups and you see that
there's a real problem...

Over and out // Kimmo


I'm "Duderz". I saw that I was logged in with Passport with a collegues
settings, so if someone will reply by mail it will arrive at my collegues
So if you wanna contact me by mail, please use the following address:


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