Blue screen 0x1e



Having blue screen as soon as I hook up the external tape drive with veritas 8.0. Was working fine before but then it had tape drive isses so had to replace it, then also it did not work. Finally repalced the motherboard still same issues. Now it comes with blue screen 0x1e, scsiport.sys diver on blue screen
No q artilce relates to my issue

David Bullock [MSFT]

Hi Raj,
Sounds like it may be the controller the tape drive is connected to causing
the problem, rather than the tape drive itself. Run diagnostics on the
controller, or try replacing it. Be sure all your cabling is tight, or
better yet, replace the cabling also.


David Bullock, MCSE, MCSA, A+
Windows NT/2000/2003 Setup Support

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Raj said:
Having blue screen as soon as I hook up the external tape drive with
veritas 8.0. Was working fine before but then it had tape drive isses so had
to replace it, then also it did not work. Finally repalced the motherboard
still same issues. Now it comes with blue screen 0x1e, scsiport.sys diver on
blue screen

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