Babya System Profiler



aafuss said:
It's a compact alternative to Everest .

Man, what do you use for a newsreader?

'Babya's Word Scrambler'?

So you read 'What's this for program? I'm interested!' where I asked
you to stop this B@$#sh*t...



It's nice to see a young developer. I wish I had started earlier in

There are some basic problems though:

1) The few times I've let curiosity get the better of me, like today,
none of your links work. That's a big strike on your credibility.

2) Unable to find a working link, I can only go by what others I
respect here say. Another big strike.

3) The incessant postings that you make, each with incredible program
descriptions... discredit both you and your postings.

4) Grabbing an open source program, stamping your logo on it, and
tweaking it until it no longer works really isn't an achievement.

5) You compare this app to Everest. Everest is a professionally
written application.
Babya System Profiler 11 is a very powerful and freeware system info
application-get detailled hardware info quick and without any fuss,
faster than running msinfo32.exe.

I get nothing here:

Is this "your" web site?

<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Babya Software Group">

<META NAME="COPYRIGHT" CONTENT="Copyright (c) 2002 by Babya Software

<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="News, news, New, new, Technology,
technology, Headlines, headlines, Nuke, nuke, PHP-Nuke, phpnuke,
php-nuke, Geek, geek, Geeks, geeks, Hacker, hacker, Hackers, hackers,
Linux, linux, Windows, windows, Software, software, Download,
download, Downloads, downloads, Free, FREE, free, Community,
community, MP3, mp3, Forum, forum, Forums, forums, Bulletin, bulletin,
Board, board, Boards, boards, PHP, php, Survey, survey, Kernel,
kernel, Comment, comment, Comments, comments, Portal, portal, ODP,
odp, Open, open, Open Source, OpenSource, Opensource, opensource, open
source, Free Software, FreeSoftware, Freesoftware, free software, GNU,
gnu, GPL, gpl, License, license, Unix, UNIX, *nix, unix, MySQL, mysql,
SQL, sql, Database, DataBase, database, Mandrake, mandrake, Red Hat,
RedHat, red hat, Slackware, slackware, SUSE, SuSE, suse, Debian,
debian, Gnome, GNOME, gnome, Kde, KDE, kde, Enlightenment,
enlightenment, Intercative, interactive, Programming, programming,
Extreme, extreme, Game, game, Games, games, Web Site, web site,
Weblog, WebLog, weblog, Guru, GURU, guru">

Why include terms like Unix. Kernel, Guru, SUSE, etc. in your keywords
label???? I think the terms are not case sensitive to boot...

You are an unflappable marketer, but without your ducks lined neatly
in a row, you have nothing, less than nothing actually. Where you once
had a neutral credibility you know have a negative one.

1) Test exhaustively. You, yourself, before anyone else ever gets the
chance to beta test for you. Then ask someone to beta test for you.
Try everything, try to break the app. Identify problems and fix them.
Then start testing from scratch until the app works right. This is the
longest phase of development. It does not stop.

2) Change the name. You have rendered "Babya" useless.

3) Submit the app to Simtel. They will test the program again and will
keep it from the public if need be... goto 1.

4) Be honest in your descriptions. Don't try used car tactics to
"sell" the freeware app to the public. A good app requires no selling!
This includes your keyword description above. Do you have anything
that runs on a *nix platform? Are you a guru?

5) Get a reliable host. Make certain all links work all of the time.
There are utilities that can assist you with this. Xenu.

6) Don't go for tonnage. Set your sites for a single program that is
_thoroughly_ tested. A program that works! Upload it, check your
links, and announce it... not over and over and over, just announce
it. On the web page fully describe the app, what it does, what it
needs (run time files), and provide screen shots of the program in

7) Give credit to those the original source came from. Make your
source available for others to look over, as is required.

8) Focus on the app at hand. Debug as necessary until it is solid.
Then begin thinking about working on another one, always ready to
return to the previous one when problems arise.

9) Make sure the app works from start to finish, including a good
install and a _clean_ uninstall for each app.

You have the interest required to make a good developer. It is very
important to have all of the ducks lined up before releasing a program
though. "Quality Control," should be tatooed backwards on your
forehead. Once you lose your credibility it is very difficult at best,
impossible at worst, to ever regain it. Google archives your posts.
Any prospective employeer can easily discover the "Babya" flap for
years to come.

That's the best feedback I can give you. It is sincere. Good luck!


Thanks, very much!-yes that site is run by me. I can up it to Winsite
or Simtel later.


REM, post it at my forums too- your reply is very useful for any

I took time to write that specifically for you. You might have missed
a point or eight there.

You're posting very frequently about software that has not been
thoroughly debugged. That is not a good thing to do.

Deal me out...

Bill Day

I took time to write that specifically for you. You might have missed
a point or eight there.

You're posting very frequently about software that has not been
thoroughly debugged. That is not a good thing to do.

Deal me out...
nice try, though, REM....There are obviously issues that we can't
understand behind all this...especially in the refusal to identify
himself or reply directly to critiques. It is vaguely fascinating to a blind ski-jumper.


Bill said:
nice try, though, REM....There are obviously issues that we can't
understand behind all this...especially in the refusal to identify
himself or reply directly to critiques. It is vaguely fascinating to a blind ski-jumper.

See, it's as I told earlier: He probably uses something like 'Babya's
Word Scrambler' or 'Babya's Negative2Positive Converter' or
something... Probably the only Babya software that we don't know about
and that works like a charm ;)


Roger Hunt

Bill Day said:
nice try, though, REM....There are obviously issues that we can't
understand behind all this...especially in the refusal to identify
himself or reply directly to critiques. It is vaguely fascinating to a blind ski-jumper.

Our own UK's blind ski jumper became a national hero though .....

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