Auto Suggest email address didn't transfer computers



I just moved my Outlook 2003 email from one computer to another. The new
computer does not remember all the auto suggest names from before, so that
when I start to type an email address, it doesn't suggest anything unless I
have sent that person an email since starting with the new computer. How do I
get it to remember the previous list of addresses, or use the addresses in
the contacts folder? Thanks!


Its a seperate cache file, on the old PC its named; 'username'.nk2
On the current PC locate 'username'.nk2, rename it
Copy the old file to the new, ensure the correct 'username' is used


Sweet. Thank you very much. Do I need the username.srs or username.xml or
link.nk2 files for any reason? Does the email function really not consider
the addresses in contacts for suggestions?

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